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Describe a song or a piece of music you like

IELTS Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card 435 with Model Answer:

Describe a song or a piece of music you like.

You should say:
  • what the song or music is
  • what kind of song or music it is
  • where you first heard it
and explain why you like it.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:
In my humble opinion, I think that there are very few things in this world which arouse our emotion as strongly as a piece of great music or song does. Today, here, I would like to talk about one such song which I heard for the first time at one of my friends’ house.

The song, I like and want to talk about is titled “Return to Innocence” by the world-famous German music band called “Enigma”. Released in January 1994 as the lead single from their second album called the “The Cross of Changes”, the song had become one of their most successful international singles in many countries around the world.

Anyway, prior to hearing this song at my friend’s house, I didn’t really make much of relaxing or meditational music, probably because I thought that they were just too dull, but once I heard “Return to Innocence, I literally fell in love with it. In fact, since then I have heard this song on numerous occasions whether I am waking up in the morning or doing some stretching/yoga exercise, I play this song. However, the most interesting thing about this song is that even though I have listened to it so many times, it just feels new every time I listen to it.

Talking about the symbolic life of a man backwards, from death to his birth and then eventually returning to innocence, this song is an invitation to forget all the hassles of adulthood and remember what it was like to be a child; regain that "innocence" and wonder of it all, see the world and everybody in it with open eyes, an open mind, and an open heart, and to jump into love without looking!

Well, I like this song, mainly because it has some really powerful lyrics which just keep captivating my mind, every time I listen to it. Besides, the quiet instrumental sounds, rhythmic electronic beats, and a 'distinctive pop sound' work like magic to clear my mind, when I am in distress, like nothing else.

Model Answer 2:
Oh! This is such a nice topic to talk about, and I would like to thank you for that. One of my favourite songs is "Please Forgive Me" by Bryan Adams. It's a classic rock ballad that belongs to the genre of soft rock. I first heard this song when I was a teenager, and it left a lasting impression on me.

The song has a timeless quality with heartfelt lyrics that resonate with deep emotions of love, longing, and regret. Bryan Adams' soulful voice and the acoustic arrangement create a beautiful and melancholic atmosphere. The melody is both soothing and powerful, making it a song that can be enjoyed in various moods.

I distinctly remember hearing it on the radio while driving with my family. The lyrics and melody instantly captivated me, and I found myself lost in the emotions conveyed through the music. Since that day, "Please Forgive Me" has become a song I turn to when I need a mix of nostalgia and emotional connection.

What I appreciate most about this song is its ability to evoke a range of emotions. The lyrics tell a story of remorse and longing, and the music complements these emotions perfectly. Whether I'm feeling happy or going through a more reflective moment, the song adapts and becomes a companion to my mood.

In essence, "Please Forgive Me" has become a musical refuge for me, offering a sense of comfort and connection. It's a piece of art that transcends time and continues to hold a special place in my heart. The combination of meaningful lyrics, a soul-stirring melody, and Bryan Adams' powerful vocals makes it a song that I not only like but also deeply appreciate for its artistic brilliance.


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