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Describe one of your friends

IELTS Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card 436 with Model Answer:

Describe one of your friends.

You should say:
  • how you met
  • how long you have known each other
  • how you spend time together
and explain why you like this friend/ person.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:
Frankly speaking, I would be more than happy to talk about all of my friends here, one by one, but I don’t think that I will be able to do so within such a short period of time. So, I will go ahead and talk about just one as this topic suggests.

Anyway, the friend, I want to talk about, is known to us as “Rabbi” (this is his nickname). I met this good friend of mine at a local coffee shop about 5 years ago. It was a rather busy coffee shop, so it was only natural for me to think that I would have to wait for some time before I could actually get my cup of fresh coffee. But the guy, talking and acting very much like a “boss”, made sure that none of his customers had to wait any more extra time than usual to get their coffees.

Later on, I came to know that the guy, talking behind the cash register, was none other than the son of the coffee shop owner. Before leaving his shop that afternoon, I thanked him for his prompt service, and in return, he also asked me to visit his coffee shop again - just as a true manager and gentleman would do.

By the way, Rabbi is not exactly like many other people since he always seems to be busy either with his coffee shop or political activities (yes, he is really passionate about the politics of my country), but still, we somehow manage some time, now and then, to plant different kinds of trees in his huge garden as well as visiting the countryside once in a while in order to breathe some fresh air.

So, why do I like this friend of mine? Well, I like this person, mainly because he works really hard in order to earn his living. Besides, his eagerness to help other people in his community, as a part of his political campaign, also makes him quite a likeable person, not only to me but also to many other people around him.

Model Answer 2:
For this excellent topic, I'd like to talk about my friend Mark. We met during our first year at university when we were assigned as lab partners in a chemistry class. From that point on, our friendship blossomed, and we've been close friends for over six years now.

Mark and I share a lot of common interests, including a passion for outdoor activities and sports. We often spend our weekends hiking, playing basketball, or exploring new places in and around our city. This shared love for adventure has created a strong bond between us.

Our friendship has evolved beyond shared interests, and we've become each other's confidants. Whether it's sharing personal challenges or celebrating achievements, we've been there for each other through thick and thin. Mark has an incredible ability to listen and offer insightful advice, making him a reliable and supportive friend.

One of the things I appreciate most about Mark is his sense of humour. He has this uncanny ability to lighten the mood, even in the most stressful situations. His positivity is infectious, and it has helped me navigate through some tough times.

Our time together is filled with laughter, meaningful conversations, and a sense of camaraderie. Whether it's grabbing a coffee, going on a road trip, or simply spending a quiet evening playing board games, every moment is enjoyable because of the genuine connection we share.

Mark's loyalty, honesty, and ability to bring joy to any situation are some of the reasons why I value his friendship so much. Having a friend like Mark has enriched my life, and I feel fortunate to have someone who not only shares my interests but also adds immense value to my personal growth and well-being.


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