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A change that can improve your local area

IELTS Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card 440 with Model Answer:

Describe a change that can improve your local area.

You should say:
  • what change it is
  • why this change is needed
  • what you can do to help with it
and explain how this change will improve your local area.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:
Well, this is such an important topic to talk about. To tell the truth, I would like to change a lot of things in my local area in order to improve it. But, unfortunately, I just don’t have the authority or the means to do it. Anyway, here is one of those changes which I would like to talk about.

Even though the locality in which I currently live now, doesn’t have many things to convince its dwellers to call it a “perfect place” for living, it still has one thing that many localities in and around my cities don’t - it has a beautiful lake.

Well, I like to call it a “beautiful lake”, mainly because it has clear water, and it also has a good number of trees on both sides of it, which makes it even more appealing to many nature lovers. People like to visit this lake in numbers with their families and friends in order to enjoy some quality time, mostly during the afternoon and at the weekends. But, while this lake has been considered a perfect “getaway” for many busy people in my locality and city for a long time, very little has been done to improve its waste disposal system.

In fact, I have found many wastes, lying open in many wastebaskets, there to be spreading foul smell, probably because the trash man didn’t collect them in a long time. But, this unhealthy situation at this lake site needs to be changed, and for that, I am going to ask our local city authority to employ more resources in order to keep it more hygienic and healthy.

Anyway, ensuring a better waste disposal system in this lake site would, in turn, ensure a better recreational facility for the residents of my locality so that they can enjoy a more healthy life. Besides, it would also help increase the revenue of our local city authority since more people would visit this place and spend their money at the cafes and restaurants there.

Model Answer 2:
Thank you for this nice topic. I believe that the change that can significantly improve my local area is the establishment of a community garden. Currently, my neighbourhood lacks communal green spaces, and I believe a community garden would bring numerous benefits to the local residents and the environment.

Our neighbourhood lacks accessible green spaces; so we feel the need for a community garden. Many residents, including myself, do not have the luxury of private gardens or parks nearby. A community garden would provide a space for people to connect with nature, grow their own produce, and engage in healthy outdoor activities. Additionally, it would foster a sense of community and social interaction among neighbours, promoting a more united and friendly neighbourhood, I believe.

To initiate the establishment of a community garden, I can start by raising awareness about the benefits and importance of such a space within the neighbourhood. I can reach out to my neighbours and local authorities, organizing meetings and presentations to discuss the idea and garner support. Moreover, I can collaborate with local gardening enthusiasts and environmental organizations to create a solid plan and proposal for the garden's implementation. Fundraising and seeking sponsorships would also be crucial to secure the necessary resources for the garden's construction and maintenance.

The community garden will bring a multitude of benefits to the local area. Firstly, it will enhance the overall aesthetic appeal of the neighbourhood, transforming unused or neglected spaces into vibrant green havens. It will also improve air quality and contribute to carbon sequestration, mitigating the effects of pollution and climate change in our surroundings.

Furthermore, the community garden will serve as a space for social gatherings and community events, promoting a sense of belonging and togetherness among residents. It will create opportunities for people of different ages and backgrounds to interact and bond over their shared interest in gardening and environmental stewardship.


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