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Describe someone in your family who you like

IELTS Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card 437 with Model Answer:

Describe someone in your family who you like.

You should say:
  • how this person is related to you
  • what this person looks like
  • what kind of person he/she is
and explain why you like this person.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:
Thank God! that this topic didn’t ask me to talk about someone in my family who I like more than the others because then that would be a disaster! After all, I like to give them the impression that I like them all equally, even though, in reality, that is not quite always possible. But, anyway, thank you for this interesting, and yet quite challenging, topic.

The person in my family, I'd like and want to talk about and whom I really like, is none other than my youngest uncle. But, even though, he is an uncle to me, to whom I should show due “respect” as per the culture of our society, I treat him more like a friend since we are about the same age. Initially, my parents and some of my other family members told me that it wasn’t quite appropriate for me to treat my “uncle” as my friend, but I didn’t really care that much about what they had to say, simply because my dear youngest uncle wouldn’t also prefer it any other way.

Anyway, to introduce my uncle a little here, he is not exactly a tall person even though he is a fairly healthy person otherwise. He has dark curly hair which he likes to keep tidy all the time. He has brown eyes, and he uses glasses because of a minor problem with his eyesight. By the way, even though, this uncle of mine didn’t manage to finish his university studies, he has tremendous respect for highly educated persons. This uncle of mine has also little temper problem, but he is generally a very mild-mannered person otherwise.

Well, I like this person, mainly because he is like an open book, with whom it is very easy to relate. I like this dear uncle of mine also because he seems to be a very satisfied person in his life with whatever he has. Finally, the way he always likes to present himself as a health-conscious person also makes him a rather likeable person to me.

Model Answer 2:
The person in my family whom I truly admire and like is my mother, and she holds a very special place in my heart. I am so glad to have this topic here that would allow me to talk about my dear mother.

My mother has a warm and loving personality, and her physical appearance is quite typical for someone of her age. She has beautiful brown eyes that sparkle with kindness, and her hair has started to grey, adding a certain elegance to her appearance. She has a warm smile that can put anyone at ease.

What truly makes my mother an extraordinary person is her character. She's incredibly compassionate and caring, always putting the needs of others before her own. Despite the numerous responsibilities she has as a mother and a wife, she never fails to find time for her family. Her patience is remarkable, especially in challenging situations, and she always offers a listening ear and sage advice. She's also a fantastic cook and has spoiled us with delicious meals for as long as I can remember.

I like my mother not only for her nurturing nature but also for her strength and resilience. She has faced her fair share of hardships in life but has never let them dampen her spirit. She's a role model for me in many ways, teaching me the importance of kindness, hard work, and perseverance. What I like most about my mother is her unwavering support. She has been my biggest cheerleader, encouraging me to pursue my dreams and never giving up on me. Her love and support have been my pillars of strength. Her love, wisdom, and unwavering support are things I cherish the most, and I'm incredibly grateful to have her in my life.


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