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A teacher who has influenced you in your education

IELTS Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card 426 with Model Answer:

Describe a teacher who has influenced you in your education.

You should say:
  • where you met him/her
  • what subject he/she taught
  • what was special about him/her
and explain why this person influenced you so much.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:
Teachers generally tend to have a great influence on our education and help us grow as a person at the later stage of our life. Thank you for this great cue card topic as it will allow me to talk about a teacher whom I have always admired and always will.

The person here, I am talking about, was my university teacher who used to teach business finance. Now, business finance, by no means, is an easy subject to learn, and it becomes even more so when you are learning advance level business finance. In fact, the level of complexity of the actual math, associated with this business finance and finance theory, as well as the business finance disciplines like taxation, accounting, treasury and foreign exchange are some of the mind-blowing stuff that a student would ever like to face.

At least, I didn’t want to face it, but since it was a compulsory subject for a business student, I had no other choice but to face the challenge. But, luckily, this great business finance teacher of mine made it look so easy for me. From the way, this teacher used to teach the subject, one sure could tell that he knew business finance from inside out, even though, he couldn’t exactly be considered as a senior teacher both in terms of his age or level of teaching experience. But, what was so special about him was that he had an immense level of patience with his students when it came to making average students like us feel like some “top class” students. In other words, he knew too well how to get the best out of a student with his wits and teaching styles.

Anyway, this teacher had influenced me so much, mainly because he taught me how to remain confident and positive even when things look too bleak for us. Besides, this great teacher told me that it was not necessary to be among the best to become a successful person in life.

Model Answer 2:
During different stages in our academic life, we meet some really good teachers who teach us important lessons, and useful skills for a better career, and guide us to become better human beings. However, we also meet a few exceptional teachers, who besides doing what I have already mentioned, inspire us and influence us in our education to a great extent. Today, for this nice topic, I would like to talk about one such teacher who has had a major influence on my education and career.

The name of this teacher is Jonathon Archer, and I met him in grade 8 in my school. I have seen this teacher several times in our school but did not talk to him until I was in grade 8 and when he was assigned to take our computer science classes and lab work. He teaches computer science, mathematics and physics in grades eight to twelve.

As soon as he started taking our computer science class, I started realising that he was a really great teacher. In fact, I would label him as an exceptional teacher who knows how to teach and inspire his disciples. Due to his fine teaching technique and in-depth analysis and explanation of different aspects of computer hardware and software, I got supper attached to programming and developing software even at my young age. Major credits go to this teacher who taught me programming fundamentals and helped me create my first software.

This person influenced me to learn a programming language, and help me understand how an intricate machine like a computer works. His guidelines, inspiration, mentorship and support helped me excel in computer science subjects in school. It also motivated me to complete my graduation as a computer science major. I am a software developer now and the foundation of this was constructed by his inspiration.


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