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Describe something you enjoyed doing in a group

IELTS Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card 417 with Model Answer:

Describe something you enjoyed doing in a group.

You should say:
  • what you did in a group
  • whom you did it with
  • when you did it
and explain how you felt about doing it in a group.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:
I have always loved doing things in a group whether playing cards during the weekend or watching a movie at a theatre. But, today, I would like to talk about something which I have done only once in my life with a group of other people.

Well, I have always loved riding a bicycle in all kinds of weather. In fact, it is one of my favourite pass time activities which I still enjoy, but not just as frequently as when I was a student at a junior college about 7 years ago. Back then, I had a nice mountain bike which I used to ride along the unpaved roads, leading to the countryside. Of course, I never really went into the countryside, since it was quite far away from my college, but I sure liked the unpaved roads because they were more adventurous and unpredictable than the paved ones.

By the way, seeing me having so much fun riding my bike, at least 6 of my college friends also bought their own bikes so that we could all enjoy the ride. But, unfortunately, as soon as my friends bought their bikes, the weather suddenly became really cold. In fact, it became so cold that only a very few people could be seen getting out of their homes for the next few days. But, my friends and I told ourselves that we were not going to get stuck inside our dormitory and instead we would all go outside and ride our bicycles.

In fact, we got so bored of staying indoor, and we needed to do something about it, and so we all wore all kinds of warm clothes and got out with our bicycles. We rode our bicycles for almost 30 minutes and actually started to sweat instead of feeling any cold.

Anyway, after finishing our ride, we felt really proud about our “feat” since we didn’t allow the unusually cold weather to dominate our lives. I also felt that if we do something in a group, we would be very surprised to see the results of our efforts.

Model Answer 2:
This is an excellent topic to talk about, and before I talk any further, I would like to thank you for giving me the opportunity to speak about it. I'd like to talk about a memorable experience I had when I participated in a group hiking trip. This adventure was not only enjoyable but also quite exhilarating.

A group of close friends and I decided to go on a weekend hiking expedition to a nearby national park. We were all passionate about the outdoors and often sought opportunities to explore nature. This adventure became a perfect way to satisfy our shared craving for adventure.

We embarked on this journey on a sunny Saturday morning during the early summer last year. There were six of us in the group, and we were all eager to conquer the trails and witness the breathtaking landscapes that awaited us. The national park we chose was known for its lush forests, cascading waterfalls, and stunning vistas, making it a hiker's paradise.

As we started our hike, I couldn't help but feel a strong sense of camaraderie among us. The experience of navigating the winding trails, tackling steep inclines, and occasionally assisting one another created a unique bond. We shared stories, laughter, and snacks during short breaks, and the collective enthusiasm was infectious.

What made the experience even more enjoyable was the fact that we were all at different fitness levels, yet we supported each other every step of the way. There was a genuine sense of teamwork as we motivated and encouraged those who found certain segments challenging. The most remarkable part of this group hiking trip was reaching the peak after a strenuous ascent. The panoramic view from the summit was awe-inspiring, and it felt incredibly rewarding to have achieved this together. We stood there, catching our breath, and relished the sense of accomplishment and the picturesque landscape around us.


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