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An interesting talk or a lecture you have heard

IELTS Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card 376 with Model Answer:

Describe an interesting talk or a lecture you have heard.

You should say:
  • when it was
  • what it was about
  • what you learned from it
and explain why you think this was an interesting talk/lecture.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1: 
I have had the opportunity to hear many interesting talks or discussions in my “not-so” long life, which were both intellectually and philosophically stimulating. But, they were not as intriguing as this particular talk, which I am about to describe, as it had kept me thinking for a long time.

The talk place about 5 years ago, when I still was a university student, at a public library. Back then, I used to visit a public library in my hometown almost regularly, as I loved to read different types of newspapers and books while exchanging my views and opinions on an array of issues with like-minded people there. By the way, I didn’t have any access to a computer or the internet back then to help me read news online. So, one day, when I was busy looking at the newspaper pages, one of my “acquaintances” there asked me what would have happened if the whole world was only one country with no border, passport or visa restrictions.

I simply stared at him as I didn’t have any clue about how to answer the question. Of course, it was not the first time that he had asked me such a “radical” question, but I found this one to be the most intriguing of all the questions, he had previously asked. So, I asked him back the same question again to get some “rational” answer. In response, he told me that the whole world would cease to exist because we would be too busy fighting with each other and destroying ourselves in the process. Initially, I didn’t agree with him, but later on, I was convinced that he was right after carefully ‘scrutinizing’ our violent, past human history.

It was an interesting talk because even though, on the surface, the idea of having a “border-free” world would sound “exciting” and tempting, the reality is that this very ‘border” has put a “check” on our “inherent and natural instinct” to overpower and destroy each other. Besides, the talks also proved that we humans don’t necessarily always know what is exactly best for us.

Sample Answer 2:
For this nice topic, I'd like to describe an interesting lecture I attended about the importance of individual contributions in preventing global warming and environmental degradation. This lecture took place about a year ago at a local community center. Thank you so much for the opportunity to let me talk about this.

The speaker was a renowned environmentalist who had dedicated his life to studying and raising awareness about climate change and its impact on the planet. He began the lecture by discussing the alarming rate at which our environment is deteriorating and how this poses a significant threat to our planet and future generations. The topic was particularly relevant, given the growing concern about climate change and the need for immediate action.

Throughout the lecture, the speaker emphasized that while large-scale governmental and corporate efforts are crucial in combating climate change, individual actions also play a vital role. He stressed that everyone could make a difference through simple changes in their daily lives. These changes included reducing energy consumption, minimizing waste, and supporting sustainable practices.

What made this lecture so fascinating was the way the speaker presented the information. He used real-life examples and statistics to demonstrate the effects of climate change. He also shared inspiring success stories of individuals and communities making a positive impact. His passionate delivery and his ability to connect with the audience made the lecture both engaging and thought-provoking.

I learned a great deal from this lecture. I gained a deeper understanding of the urgency of addressing environmental issues and how my everyday choices could contribute to a more sustainable future. The lecture also provided practical tips on how to reduce my carbon footprint, such as using public transportation, conserving energy, and supporting eco-friendly products.

The most compelling aspect of this lecture was how it motivated and inspired the audience. It wasn't just a passive learning experience; it instilled a sense of responsibility and a call to action. I left the lecture feeling empowered and eager to make a positive impact on the environment. It made me realize that change begins with individuals, and collectively, we can address the global environmental challenges we face.


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