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Something you bought and was happy about

IELTS Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card 357 with Model Answer:

Describe something you have recently bought and felt happy about.

You should say:
  • what you have bought
  • why you have bought it
  • how much it cost you
and explain why you felt happy about it.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:
There are things, which we buy because we need them and there are things, which we buy, not only because we need them, but also because they make us feel happy. Today, I would like to talk about something, which I recently bought and felt really happy about it.

It is a brand new smartphone, which I bought about a few months ago. I bought it at a discounted price, which came with all the latest tools and technologies, in order to ensure the best services. The smart device has a very unique and shiny navy blue colour, and it is about 7 inches in size. Unlike my old and regular mobile phone, it also came with a beautiful “protector” in order to prevent it from getting damaged. The wireless handheld device has so many features that I am still learning about them. Of course, it was a bit difficult to handle the device initially, as it was a “new” thing for me, but as time passed, I became more and more familiar with its features.

Anyway, I bought this smart device, mainly because my old phone was getting “worn and torn”. In fact, I had used my old phone for such a long time that the mobile phone technicians sometimes called it an “ancient” machine as they were really struggling to fix it. Finding spare parts to fix my old phone was also becoming an issue. Besides, I bought this phone also because it was selling at a very low price. In fact, I paid only $200 for it while its regular price was more than $300. Finally, I bought this phone because I didn’t want to be considered an “old school” to my friends anymore.

I felt happy about buying this phone because I could actually use it, not only to make and receive phone calls but also to use it as a "portable mini-computer" that came with pretty much all the features of a computer. Besides, I felt happy also because I bought it at a very affordable price, unlike my other friends.

Sample Answer 2:
Recently I have bought a personal computer for myself and I have spent a good amount of money to get this. It comes with all the latest configurations and I really like it. The overall performance of the computer is impressive.

I've purchased this desktop personal computer because the previous one almost stopped working and was giving me trouble. I do not know how it happened but it was a stroke of bad luck for me. I stored all of my necessary data on that computer. Besides, that device contained a notable number of movies and documentaries too. Since the old one was almost unusable, I decided to buy a new one. 

The new computer came with the latest configurations and it was a bit costly. I had to spend around 1400 euros to get this electronic device. I took a four-terabyte hard disk with 8 GB ram. I went for the latest configuration so that I could use it for the next couple of years without any performance issues. 

I felt happy with my computer, particularly because its performance was splendid. The former one was extremely slow and gave me some other troubles too. This new computer has no such issues and I can complete my tasks faster. Due to these reasons, I was excited to have this new computer.


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