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When you taught something to someone

IELTS Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card 355 with Model Answer:

Describe a situation/even when you taught something to someone.

You should say:
  • what the situation/event was
  • what you taught
  • who this person was
and explain how this might have helped the person.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you are going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:
Teaching something to someone has never been my strong forte, primarily because it requires a certain level of patience which I don’t possess. But, still, there had come a situation, when I needed to teach something to someone, about 5 years ago.

Back then, about 5 years ago, I was still a student at my university, pursuing a bachelor's degree in Business Administration. With me studying was one of my close friends, who unfortunately was not very good in “Business Finance”, a core subject of Business Administration major. 

By the way, there is a fair amount of complexity to the actual math associated with finance and finance theory. Add to that the business finance disciplines like taxation, accounting, treasury & foreign exchange, and you will suddenly find yourself amid some really mind-blowing stuff that the majority of people have no interest in whatsoever.

However, complex or not, one needed to get a reasonably good grade in this particular subject in order to obtain a bachelor's degree from my university. But, my friend, Rony Gonzalez, was just not getting the subject in spite of his best efforts and intention. So, he finally asked me, even though he knew it very well that I didn’t like “tutoring” anybody, to come to his rescue and teach him “Business Finance” really well before the mid-term exam because he had already received a poor grade in his first term exam. 

Anyway, my mission began with some casual lecturing after our class hours. Initially, nothing seemed to move forward as Rony didn’t exactly have a strong foundation in math. But, his determination to learn kept us going, and after some really hard works in the next couple of months, I could finally see some significant changes in his abilities to solve the problems.

Anyway, after learning from me, Rony was finally able to graduate from the university with a good grade. Besides, this achievement boosted his confidence really high to do well in other courses, especially when he was finishing his Master's degree in Business Administration in subsequent years.

Sample Answer 2:
Thank you very much for this nice cue card topic. To get to the details of what and whom I taught something - it was about creating a PowerPoint presentation and I taught that to one of my colleagues who joined our company just a few months ago back in 2017. 

He was told to make a presentation on strategic planning for the next six months for the company as a test for him, and he was unable to make a presentation using MS PowerPoint the way he wanted it to be.

Nicholas Andrew, the nephew of the managing director of the company, was the person whom I taught how to make the presentation. I had to teach him how to make professional and graphic-rich presentations using PowerPoint. As he was fairly new to this, it took a long time for me to teach him the process of creating professional presentations. I had to repeat a few things over and over again. Finally, after spending around two or three days, he grasped the concepts and skills required to make nice presentations in PowerPoint.

Later, I came to know that Andrew completed the presentation and his work was appreciated. I suggested that he keep practising and he did so. In fact, he paid attention when I taught him this and I was happy that I could have taught him something that would be useful to his professional life for many years to come.

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