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Describe an invention that has changed people’s life

IELTS Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card 341 with Model Answer:

Describe an invention that has changed people’s life.

You should say:
  • what it is
  • who invented it
  • when it was invented
and explain how it has changed people’s life.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you're going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer:
The use of the Global Positioning System, also known as GPS, has become so common in our modern life that we sometimes even forget that it exists. This invention and technology, I believe has changed people's life to a great extent.

This is a relatively recent invention that helps to pinpoint any specific location with the use of satellites. It helps people determine a location, find a place they are looking for, monitor movement and interestingly enough measure time. We use it in our everyday life and our smartphones are constantly using it.

The masterminds of this invention are – Roger Easton, Ivan Getting, and Bradford Parkinson. In 1973, the GPS was introduced in the USA to solve the navigation problems, though the development began in the 1960s. by the US Department of Defense. About 24 satellites were used in the initial stage with the aim to support the US Military. But the highest development of the system was done in 1995.

Now, this is used by almost everyone for commercial, military and individual purposes. After the invention of GPS, exploration, and travelling has become easier than ever before. I can recall a time when I was lost in a foreign country, but thanks to the GPS technology, I had been able to find my hotel without even asking someone about my hotel's location as I used Google Map, which use GPS technology to pinpoint a location. Every time we drive our car, hail a taxi, share a location, we actually use this technology.   

The use of GPS has brought a revolution in people’s life. When someone uses GPS, there are no chances to get lost in a new and unknown location. Besides, many people use this technology with their vehicles so that they can track them. It also helps to plan a travelling or exploration route too. Further, a GPS device also helps to monitor resources and ensure their proper optimization.

Idea generation for this Cue Card topic:  

"Describe an invention that has changed people’s life."

Following are some hints to help you complete the cue card task in a different way. Here are some  hints that would be helpful for you to generate ideas for this cue card topic:

1. The invention of computers has revolutionised the way people lead their life, do businesses and work at their workplaces. The use of computers is so prevalent that we sometimes cannot imagine what life would be without it. From simple math to complex designing and space exploration, everything that we do in our modern life is directly or indirectly related to the use of computers. Charles Babbage originated the concept of a programmable computer and he is considered the "father of the computer".

2. The wireless charging system is a modern invention. With this process, a mobile phone user does not need connecting the charged cable to the phone. By placing the mobile phone in a particular device, it will be charged. I am happy with this invention and planning to purchase the phone with wireless charging feature. Besides, charging is made faster with such technology. This technology is still not widely used and I believe with the popularity of electric cars in recent days, this technology will become quite popular.

3. Application of solar panel is often seen in many places and in my opinion, it is a great invention. It helps preserve solar power and then converts the power into electricity. Actually, the sun is a great source of renewable energy that we need to start using sooner or late. And it would be of great use to people across the world because the non-renewable energy cannot run forever.

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