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Describe the best holiday you have had

IELTS Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card 325 with Model Answer:

Describe the best holiday/vacation you have had.

You should say:
  • where you went
  • what this place was like
  • what you did

and explain why it was the best holiday/vacation you have had.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you're going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]


Model Answer 1:
My family went to Kuwait last summer to spend a vacation and I was with them during this wonderful vacation. It is one of the most memorable experiences for me so far. During this trip, we went to a beach named Messilah and enjoyed ourselves a lot. This is a great topic and I would like to thank you for the opportunity to let me talk about it.

Kuwait is a beautiful country but I did not have the chance to visit it until last year. We stayed in a four-star hotel near Messilah beach which offered us a fabulous view. Messilah is one of the biggest and grandest beaches in the entire country and we thoroughly enjoyed our stay there. The beach is filled with white sands where we often walked for an hour or two along the seashore to enjoy the beautiful surroundings. The deep blue seawater was a beautiful sight to look at during the day time, and at night it reflected the moonlight -that made the place heavenly. Our experience was amazing, to say the least.

This was a great place to be with my family and I really liked the fact that everybody enjoyed being there. Besides, there was a swimming pool just for junior members who were unable to swim on the beach.

During our visit to Kuwait, I mostly spent my time near the beach. In fact, my parents went to visit the city and did some shopping, but I avoided doing shopping by all means. I preferred to take part in different water sports and took some boat trips on the sea as well. I tried to dive under the sea but later discarded the idea as I was not an expert swimmer

It was the best holiday for me as I spent it with my family after a long. I also did not have seen such beautiful seabeaches before. My parents also allowed me to move alone to different places and enjoy myself all alone for the first time in my life. The natural views of the beach were outstanding and I loved the seafood. So, I think it was the best holiday for me so far.

Model Answer 2:
This is a great topic to talk about, and thank you for it. Last summer, I probably had the best holiday of my life when I went to Tenerife in Spain with my family. I had the biggest splash of my life there.

We stayed at Tenerife in Spain for two weeks and had lots of fun activities, including trying local foods, visiting different places, and enjoying night parties. I will remember these days for a long time. Moreover, the natural views were so charming that I had a hard time believing that they were real. Considering everything, this was the best holiday I have ever spent out of my country and I still feel lucky for that.

Tenerife Island is the largest of the Canary Islands in Spain. It also has some special locations that are breathtakingly beautiful. The exotic beaches were the other attractive places that drag thousands of visitors each week. The high-end restaurants and their special dishes also play an important role to make it a favourite tourists spot.

I did lots of things there. Spending an entire night on the beach was a special experience for me. I had the desire to participate in the Carnaval de Santa Cruz but missed that as the event was set to be held at a later date. Spending a night under the starry sky and listening to the sea waves thrilled me to the fullest extent possible. It was an out of the world experience for me. Walking through the boulevards, visiting the National Park, bating on the sea – all of them had been special to me.

This was the best holiday experience for me so far as I did spend some of the best days of my life there. I enjoyed the beautiful natural sceneries, wondered about the vastness of the sea, ate exotic seafood and experienced a very unique European lifestyle that I was not accustomed to. This was an experience that I will cherish for the rest of my life. 

Idea generation for this Cue Card topic:  

"Describe the best holiday/vacation you have had" 

People go on to enjoy holidays to get away from the routined life, feel relaxed and get back refreshed. People travel to different parts of the world to have some of the wonderful holidays they dream about.

Some other hints would be applicable in answering this particular cue card task. Here they go.

­1. Travelling is my favourite hobby and a passion I cherish. Recently I went to Cape Sounion in Greece to enjoy my holidays. I heard about the place from a friend and I was captivated after visiting the place. The location was surrounded by seas on three sides. I enjoyed the sunset scenes to a great extent. It was the best holiday of my life so far.

­2. My wife wanted to visit Nepal last year for the Christmas holidays. Accordingly, we went there and visited all the noted places including Boudhanath Stupa, Swayambhunath Temple, Poon Hill, Bhaktapur Durbar Square, Pashupati Nath, 55 Window Palace, Kathmandu Durbar Square and more. This is the most memorable tour that we have ever taken since we enjoyed our days to the fullest.

­3. Qatar offers some amazing destinations to its visitors. I went on a holiday in this beautiful country last year, and it was one of the best tours that I have had so far. I have visited some of the most notable places there and was deeply impressed with the enchantments of these places. The museums, food courts and beach walks were the greatest of them.

4. The old towns and resorts in Romania are highly recommended for American tourists. I never thought that I would enjoy a distant part of the world, especially an old town so much. Staying at a local resort was an unforgettable experience for me. I explored some of the most secluded parts of the country during this holiday. I must say loved this trip.

5. I am a passionate traveller and whenever I get a good chance, I set out for some trips. It was not an exception when my office allowed me a five-days leave last summer. I made a tour and went to different parts of India, and mostly it was a rail journey. Two of my friends accompanied me and we explored some notable places in India by train. It was a nice holiday indeed.

­6. My last holiday in Las Vegas was excellent, in fact, one of the best. I did not know that this is a small resort town and it offered so much fun. Everything amazed me inside this city, and particularly I enjoyed the musical fountain. The star-rated hotels and restaurants gave their best service which I will remember for a long time.

­7. As a student of archaeology, I was excited to get a chance to visit different archaeological sites in Egypt. I loved the large pyramids and other past relics. It was so amazing an experience that I will never forget this tour.

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