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Describe a surprise that made you happy

IELTS Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card 245 with Model Answer:

Describe a surprise that made you happy.

You should say:
  • when it was
  • who/ what surprised you
  • where you were then
and explain why this surprise made you happy.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you're going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:
Surprises are always pleasant and often we dream of it. But when the surprises appear from the dearest people, it becomes more enjoyable. I was surprised with my baby boy which was supposed to be a baby girl in the beginning.

I became a proud father of a baby boy last month and the boy is a surprise for me. When my wife was diagnosed as pregnant, she had to undergo different tests advised from the doctor. The doctor, a gynaecologist, advised for an ultrasonogram and the report was positive for her. The report said that she was carrying a baby girl. I was happy with the news and shared it with my family members and friends. My wife was also happy with the news of a baby girl. She, in fact, started the preparation for the baby girl. She took me to shopping for the girl and bought some small dresses for a newborn baby girl. She also bought some dolls and toys for our baby. Days were passing amid great excitement that we are going to be parents for the first time in our life. Our near and dear ones also congratulated us for the good news. In fact, it was impossible for both of us to wait any longer for the baby. We were counting days. But when the baby came into the material world, it surprised us all.

When the doctor came out of the operation theatre, he surprised us with the news that I have become the father of a baby boy. It was a great surprise for me and my entire family indeed that the baby was a boy. We all have been eagerly waiting for a baby girl and already have taken necessary preparations to welcome the girl on the earth. But the news rocked us all and we became amazed. But by the same time, I was confused about the result of the ultrasonogram that depicted that we were going to have a baby girl. It appeared that the report of the ultrasonogram was wrong. It made me worried about the authenticity of the other health checkup reports of my wife. However, everyone, of my family started expressing their joy and congratulated me for being the father of a baby boy.

I was at the Holy Angels Hospital in New Delhi. I was accompanied by my parents and in-laws. Some of my friends also accompanied me there. They went there in case if my wife needed blood. In fact, I arranged for everything that may appear necessary for the smooth C-section of my wife. Earlier, the gynaecologist told us that there are some troubles for the baby in the womb and it would be difficult to deliver the baby in the regular process. So, she suggested having a C- section for my wife. Following the advice of the doctor, I took the necessary measures for the smooth operation of my wife. Everything went fine. When she was taken to the operation theatre, everyone was praying for a successful operation. I think the Almighty has granted our prayers and the operation was successful. Both the baby and the mother were safe and sound after the operation.

I was happy indeed with the surprise. I had made different plans with my baby girl but when I found out it was a baby boy, I was greatly surprised. Several thoughts crossed my mind. Initially, I thought that it might be my wife’s plan to surprise me as she likes to do so but I checked the ultrasonogram reports where it was indicated that it was a baby girl. Finally, I came to the decision that there might be some mistakes with the report and I had planned to take legal actions against the diagnostic centre for such a major mistake. But my wife did not allow me to get involved into the legal complexities and she was happy with the boy. This was a surprise for me as I was eagerly expecting for a girl who will be my princess but instead, I am blessed. Every onery one of my family was happy and prayed for a long, healthy and happier life of the boy.

Sample Answer 2:
Last month, I attended for a formal interview at a multinational corporation against the position of business analyst. The authority told me that they will inform me the result. I was chosen for the position and started working here. It was really a surprise for me. I was happy indeed with the surprise. Thank you for the smart question. Here is a brief of the event.

I was seeking for a suitable position for me since past couple of months. I had to give up my former job for some reasons and been looking for a fresh one after my qualification and skills. Accordingly, I applied for the job and asked to attend the written test and viva. I appeared in both the tests and I believe I had a very good score. 

I was surprised when the authority made me a phone call why I am not attending the office. They also told me that they have sent me scorecard and appointment letter to join the office within a short time after receiving the letter. But there was a mistake. Unfortunately, I did not receive the letter. It was sent to my residential address here in Taiwan. Somehow, I have missed the letter. The authority made the phone call to me after two weeks of sending the letter. They thought that I might be uninterested in working with them. On the other sides, I thought that I have failed in the exam and thus they have rejected my candidature.

I was in the city and passed some busy moments. Actually, it was my elder sister’s marriage. So, I had to take care of the things related to the marriage. It was really impossible for me to make some private times for me to look into the issues of the job. A lot of people gathered in the house and everyone had to remain busy for the marriage preparation. It was quite natural at that moment that I did not have the attention to any other thing. I also did not notice that there had been a document delivered to me. So, I missed it.

It was a great surprise for me and I was happy for many reasons. The most surprising matter was that they selected me for the position and I was unaware of the matter. When they made the phone call, I supposed that they will declare me rejected for the position. But when they charged me why I was not attending the office, I really felt surprised. Actually, I did not have the slightest idea that I got the job. So, I started seeking another job and passed busy moments with my sister’s marriage. Finally, I was very happy.

If you can talk about the cue card topic "Describe a surprise that made you happy." you should be able to talk about the following IELTS cue cards topics as well: 

  • Describe a recent happy event. 
  • Describe a time when your friends surprised you. 
  • Describe a recent celebration or event that you enjoyed. 
  • Describe a gift that someone gave you. 
  • Describe a pleasant surprise you have had. 
  • Describe one of your birthday celebrations. 

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