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Describe a successful businessman you know

IELTS Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card 216 with Model Answer:

Describe a successful businessman you know.

You should say:
  • who he/she is
  • what type of business he/she runs
  • how you know him/her
and explain why you think he/she is a successful businessman.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you're going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:
Business is one of the greatest ways to earn wealth in a legal manner and many of the people are rich by the business. I know a local businessman here in Singapore who has become a millionaire with his hard effort. Mr Andrew Robertson, my neighbour, is a very successful businessman.

The saying goes that stop chasing the money rather chase your passion. By dint of passion, a man becomes successful, and when there is a lack of passion, life turns to be dull and boring. Mr Robertson had a great passion for his business. He used to work day and night. It was his passion and he never felt tired of attending his business. For all of his efforts now he is a successful businessman though he began his business with a small initiative. Nobody could have thought that he would a business magnet in the later stages when he started his business. But everyone praised his initiatives and efforts for success. So, at the end of the day, when everyone was busy closing their business in the downtown of Singapore, only he was seen waiting for customers. Fortunately, many of the consumers crowded on his business store to get their last-minute meals.

Mr Robertson is a former Italian national and now living in Singapore with his family. He migrated here back in 2005 and opened a mobile restaurant. He used to sell different sorts of delicious traditional Italian dishes. Gradually he started improving his business and added some other dishes in his menu. Now he proudly owns one of the largest restaurants in Singapore and the restaurants offer numerous yummy foods to the food lovers of Singapore. The restaurant he owns has a stunning look and the services of all the staffs are highly pleasant and admirable. Mr Robertson personally takes care of all the cooking ingredients every day. He often goes to the market for shopping for his restaurant and never compromises with the quality. As a result, the reputation of his restaurant spread across the city within a short time.

Mr Robertson lives just opposite to the next door of my apartment and he has bought the apartment though he entered here as a tenant. He hired the apartment a few years ago and as his business grew well, his life started changing rapidly. Initially, he had a small food selling van which he used to park on a side of a street and sold food items. When the consumers were pleased with his foods and processing, his reputation soared high and his luck changed to a great extent. He gradually started shining in his business. Later he hired the apartment opposite to us and started living there with his family. His family is made of his wife and two kids. After passing a year, he bought a space in the downtown and made a moderately decorated restaurant. My parents have a very intimate relationship with him and his family. Mr Robertson also likes me very much and in fact, I am appointed to teach mathematics to his elder son who is his fourth grade.

Success does not appear until it is worshipped. To achieve success, the people who desire it need to work hard and if everything goes right, the success will appear finally. The same thing happened in the life of Mr Robert. He tried his best, passed the worst moments of his life and finally all his efforts resulted in his success. He is successful as he struggled hard. He worked for long hours in the daytime and even often at night times. He was unable to pass some quality moments with his family members in the beginning and even he could not join at any social functions or family events. But gradually he started developing the business. His extreme sincerity brought the changes in his life. Now is a completely successful man. He has gained name and fame across the city and everyone admires him for his perseverance.

Sample Answer 2:
Mr Jim is a successful businessman in my locality. He had struggled a lot in his early life and now is one of the most prominent people in the area. He has crossed the barriers in his life and dealt them with smartness. As a result, he is at the peak of success. This is an interesting question to deal with. Thank you for asking me.

Mr Jim is an African national living here in Indonesia for a long time. He deals with a super shop. The shop has several branches now. But the beginning of the business was not smooth as it appears now. Mr Jim is also a generous person and loves to socialise. His gentle behaviour is adorable.

His super shop sells various types of goods. They include groceries, electronic gadgets and items, toys for kids, clothing, toiletries, cosmetics, perfumes, footwear, and much more. People gather at his shop for some reasons. The most prominent fact about the shop is that it never sells any artificial products. And if there is any such event proved, the shop authority refunds the buyer and apologise for the faulty product. As a result, his popularity increased in the locality. Within the first three years, he was able to open another branch of his ship in the centre of the city. It was possible for his foresight in business.

I met him while I was shopping at his shop. In fact, I did not have the idea that he would be the owner of the shop. He was working with the other staffs of the shop. Mr Jim helped me in collecting the necessary items for me, took them to the sales counter and said the goodbye with a smiling face. I came to know about him the other day when I entered the shop for some groceries. I asked the man at the counter about him. I was surprised by the reply. In fact, I could not believe my eyes that the shop owner is working hard with his employees for his business growth.

He is a successful businessman on some certain grounds. The most important thing is that he is a hard worker. I have never seen him without a smile on his face while dealing with the clients and customers. Moreover, Mr Jim is helpful to everyone. He does not waste his money like the other businesspeople in the city. He plans for future and dreams to have a large super shop after buying his own land. His cordial attitude is also responsible for his success. And most importantly, everyone in the locality loves him much for his unconditional attempts at public interest. Based on all the matters, Mr Jim is a successful businessman.

Idea generation for this Cue Card topic: 

"Describe a successful businessman you know." 

Business is one of the most impressive types of professions in the world. Many people are engaged in this profession and are making their luck. Business people deal with numerous types of goods and services. The cue card wants you to describe a successful businessman. Here are some other answering hints for the candidates to prepare their own answers.

1. Mr Jhong Lee is a Japanese businessman. He lives the opposite door of mine in a moderate apartment in Tokyo. He owns four traditional restaurants in different parts of the city. All the restaurants are making a remarkable profit. He also deals in some other types of goods in line with his restaurant business.

2. Nicholas owns a small e-commerce store. He is my friend and trying to improve his career as a businessman. He deals with different types of daily necessaries and sells them through his e-commerce website. He has already become successful in the business and has taken an office near the residence.

3. Sally is my cousin and she has started her own boutique business. She has opened an outlet for her dresses, that she makes by herself, in a shopping mall in the Netherlands. She started the business a couple of years ago and now has become completely successful. Besides, she is planning to expand the business out of the border.

4. Samantha is my bestie and she proudly owns a small coffee shop inside our college. She started the business at the beginning of this year and now the business has grown very well. She meets the coffee needs of the entire college. And at the end of the day, she counts a smart profit. She has become successful in this business and planning to expand it.

5. Mr Drowny is a successful land developer and he started the business as a partnership with his friend, Mr Samuel. Now he has bought the share of his partner. He is adopting newer projects and magnificently executing them. Within a short span of time, he has climbed to the peak of success with his honesty and sincerity. Luck played another important role here.

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