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Describe a national day in your country

IELTS Cue Card/ Candidate Task Card 206 with Model Answer:

Describe a national day in your country.

You should say:
  • what day it is
  • how it is celebrated
  • what the historical significance of this day is
and explain how you feel about this day.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you're going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:
Vietnam is one of the countries that were under the domination of French colonies and got independent in 1945 from the French rules. Since then, the country observes the day as the National Day.

Vietnam is not so much developed in terms of modernity but the people of the country are too much patriotic. They underwent different struggles around their life before the independence and participated in the revolutions during the Second World War to make the state free from the occupation forces. Vietnam was used by the Japanese as a shelter to get involved in war and hide themselves. But at the same time, the domination of French colonies was prevailing on the land. Since the French dominators were alien in the country, they allowed the Japanese soldiers to stay in the country as long as they need. But the commoners revolted against the entire decision and finally on the day, September 2 in 1945 the country was declared as an independent state.

Presently the day is celebrated amid different events. The day is also known as the Independence Day of Vietnam. Marking the day, a large number of events are held across the country and the commoners participate in the events. This is a holiday for all around the country. In the early of the day, a good number of Vietnamese gather at the Ba Dinh Square. Here the declaration of Ho Chi Minh is played. Ho Chi Minh is the national leader who declared the independence of the country amid a disastrous situation. Later he became the first president of independent Vietnam. Under his declaration, all the people gathered and revolted against the then occupiers. So, this declaration is used every year to remind the people about the origin of the country. A wide range of activities is undertaken on the day. Fireworks are the key attractions of the day. The streets are used for marches and many other events. Besides, many of the citizens go to visit the mausoleum of Ho Chi Minh to pay respect to him.

The day is historically very important for all the citizens of Vietnam. Before the independence, French colonisers used to rule the country as a colony of them. As a result, the local people did not get enough attention from the colonisers in each of the aspects of daily life. In a word, the natives were exploited by the French colonisers. Thereby, a sense of discomfort started gathering among the locals. They wanted freedom. Simultaneously, with the initiation of the Second World War, life turned intolerable for them. Freedom from the occupational Japanese forces and the colonisers appeared like a basic need of the locals. So, they secretly started gathering opinions about their independence and once the opinions were gathered, they declared the independence by Ho Chi Minh. Later, he took care of the state like a father takes care of his son. So, if the declaration of independence was not made, the presence of Vietnam on the world map would not have been possible yet. The country might have been under the rule from the colonisers.

As a Vietnamese, I am proud of this day. This is the day for declaring our independence from France. If the day was not made, there would be no state named – Vietnam. My forefathers had participated in the declaration process and actively helped the president to bring the rule of peace in the country. Everything of Vietnam, before the independence, was in disorder. The declaration of independence brought everything under the order. Different historic events took place before the date and the people had to silently tolerate the ill-treatment. So, when my country became independent, the people started enjoying the freedom. The new name – The Democratic Republic of Vietnam brought a sense of peace among all. Later, some other events took place inside the country and government which are entirely different issues. So, when the day arrives, I try to participate in every activity organised by national and local level. I feel comfortable when I attend there.

Sample Answer 2:
Pakistan is one of the most beautiful countries in the world and has experienced a huge number of events. The creation of the country is a historical event and now observed as a national day in the country. This is a pretty cue card topic to deal with. Thank you for this great cue card topic.

The Independence Day of Pakistan is on August 14. The country received independence on this day from British domination. Before the independence, it was the part of undivided India. After lots of speculations and events, the country came in to being as a sovereign nation. The movement for Pakistan began even before the partition in 1947 when a Muslim state was demanded the Muslims living in the Indian region. Later the nation was created and was divided into two parts – West Pakistan and East Pakistan (now Bangladesh).

The day is celebrated amid great festivity across the country. But the main attractions of the celebrations are in the cities than rural areas. Islamabad and Karachi hold the best events marking the day. The national flag is hoisted on this day while the national leaders deliver a speech. Many other events like parades, cultural events and ceremonies etc. also take place. The day is also perfect for holding award giving ceremony. A notable number of people get awards on this day for their contribution towards the country and its development.

Historically, this day is of great importance to us. Before the partition, all types of people used to live in undivided India. The British domination was on the decline but the communal unrest was on the climb. So, the British people thought that it would be better to leave the country as they experienced a remarkable number of protest from the locals. At the same time, there was another movement for an independent Muslim state that has been emerged based on the communal riots and anarchies. As a result, the nation came in to being. The British Parliament facilitate the separation and the Dominion of Pakistan was created. So, historically, this is an important day for the nation. 

I really feel good when the day appears. In fact, this is a glorious day for the nation. The entire nation observes the day amid a festive mood. Since this is a national holiday, everyone comes out of their home and participate in the activities on the national and local celebrations. I take some special measures to celebrate the day. Hoisting the national flag on my rooftop is a usual event for me. Besides, I also try to take part in the local events. Sometimes I watch the speeches of our national leaders on television channels. I try to enjoy the taste of liberty on this day.

More Ideas for this cue card topic:

Every country has its National Day. These days are celebrated amid festivity. Besides, the days also mark different precious occasions. Usually, the days are considered as public holidays. The cue card wants to know about the national day of the candidate. Few additional clues might be helpful for them to deal with the cue card smartly.

1. The importance of National Foundation Day in Japan is undeniable. The day is celebrated on February 11 annually. This is a national holiday.

2. The Fourth of July is the independence day of USA. This is also celebrated as the national day too. The day is celebrated commemorating the declaration of independence in 1776.

3. India observes the independence day of August 15 each year. This is a national day for us and the nation achieved independence from the UK in 1947 on this date. Different ceremonies take place marking the day.

4. Australia Day is celebrated on January 26. And this is the official National Day of Australia. It marks the arrival of British fleets in the land.

5. The declaration of independence for Ukraine took place in 1991 on 24 August. Since then, the day is celebrated as the independence day of the country. The day is celebrated amid great festivity.

6. In Spain, 12 October is celebrated as the Hispanic Day. This is the day when Christopher Columbus landed on the soil of the USA. Hence, the day is important for every Spanish people.

7. Greece was set free from the Ottoman Empire on March 25. Since then, the date is celebrated as the independence day of Greece. Marking the independence, different events take place in the country.

8. Waitangi Day is a national day in New Zealand. The day is celebrated amid festivity but there are no formalities are maintained here. The day remembers the signing of Treaty of Waitangi.

9. February 1 is the national day for Iran. This is a public holiday across the country.  The day is celebrated marking the events of the Iranian revolution in 1979.

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