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Describe something you often do in the evening

IELTS Cue Card Question 130 with Model Answer:

Describe something you often do in the evening.

You should say:
  • what you do
  • where you usually do it
  • who you usually do it with
and say if you enjoy doing it or not. Why?  

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you're going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:
Cricket is a globally renowned sport and in Cape Town, I like to play cricket in the evening. I usually play cricket in the evening with my college friends.

It has turned into a habit for me to play cricket for around two to three hours in the evening on the small field beside my residence. I have formed a group to assist me in the sport. All of them are almost the similar age of mine and we have born and brought up in this street of Cape Town. So, the bonding among is stronger and when I proposed to start the game into our local field, all of them agreed collectively without any hesitation. With the collective contribution, we bought necessary element for the sport like a cricket bat, balls, and wooden stamps. Since this is not played at a professional level, we did not buy the professional tools like helmets, pads and guards etc. We use tennis balls and scotch tapes to make the balls run faster. Interestingly, we do not hit sixes as there are chances to lose the ball when a six is made.

I usually go play at the small playground right beside the Strand Street. Earlier, the place was bare but with the advancement of modern age, it is being filled up with structures and only the playground is left. In my childhood the playground was larger in size but not it has been reduced to a great extent. It becomes difficult for us to play cricket and interestingly we cannot make strong strokes lest we lose the ball. So, we are to play with limitations as we do not have any access to any renowned playgrounds or fields. Moreover, we cannot afford to be a member of those expensive playgrounds. Thus we are happy with our tiny field and been playing cricket for long years. But it is unknown that how long we could continue our cricket on this ground. Usually, our game is set for 20 over altogether and we finish it by dusk.

Following the standard rule, cricket requires 22 players (at least) and three umpires to decide the win or lose. But since this is a local game of us, we have modified the game a bit for our handiness. The cricket team consists seven members. Each of the team has seven members and there are 14 members of the play and we also have some spectators around. They watch and enjoy the game. When I participate in the game, I am assigned as a fast bowler and allowed to bat in the third down position. Generally, we do not have any third umpire and there is only one who is selected from one of the playing teams or from the spectators around (if someone agrees).

I enjoy the sport indeed as it is the only way for me to pass my leisure hours. I wait around the day to start cricket. When I get back home from college, I take some foods and get out with the cricket bat. Interestingly, we have only two teams in the street who are interested in cricket and the necessary sporting tools and materials are distributed among the players. So, each of them brings the assigned materials like a bat, balls or stamps etc. The way we play in unconventional but it is highly amusing for us. We do not make quarrels but sometimes disputes over the decisions and we mitigate that internally. Sometimes we arrange for small-scale tournament with the other boys of our college and held the matches at the same ground and they also agree to play in compliance with the rules made by us. So, I enjoy the evening cricket matches much than any other things.

Model Answer 2:
I love to take part in outdoor activities more than any other things. As part of my outdoor activity, I ride in bicycle every evening. This is a great fun to me. Thank you for the interesting question. I will describe the matter now in brief.

I have a team of bicycle riders. We move to different places in the evening and enjoy ourselves. This has become a hobby for all of us to ride on bicycles and travel the surrounding areas. All of us are students and we have nothing noteworthy to do in the evening. So, we move out for the short trips in here and there.

Mumbai is a large city and there are many things to do and see here. So, I try to move to the places where I have never been before. As part of my trip, the entire city is familiar to me now. I can move to places which are inaccessible to other types of vehicles. Besides, when I am in traffic congestion, I simply got off the bicycle and walk with it. So, it saves time for me and I can come back home by the dusk. I try to visit the oldest parts of the city and enjoy the foods and meet with people there. Sometimes, I try to know about the history of the places as well.

I have a team of seven other members. All of the members belong to the same locality. In fact, we all are childhood friends and study in the same college. So, formulation of the team was not difficult for us. Interestingly, the team was formulated in a single day when I proposed them to ride a bicycle in the evening and make some trips in the surrounding locality. All of them agreed to my proposal and accordingly we bought the bicycles. Now, every one of us tries to be present at the evening trip. But if someone is sick or experiences any other troubles, then he informs the remaining members about his inconvenience. This is really a nice teamwork for us.   

Of course, I enjoy the evening trips. In fact, many of us eagerly wait for the evening to arrive. We have a very dull routine. We need to get up early in the morning for the college and come back home in the afternoon. Returning home, we have nothing important to do. At night, we need to be focused on our studies. So, there are fewer chances for us to be relaxed. Actually, we do not have any chance for recreation at all. Riding the bicycle in the evening is the only way for us to get entertained. Therefore, I greatly enjoy doing it every day.

Similar Cue card topics that you should be able to talk about with your preparation for this cue card:
  • Describe an activity you enjoy doing.
  • Describe something you often do to remain fit.
  • Describe a leisure activity or hobby you have. 
  • Describe something you often do. 
  • Describe something you enjoy doing.

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