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Talk about a sport or exercise that you do for fitness

IELTS Cue Card Question 116 With Model Answer:

Talk about a sport or exercise that you do for fitness.

You should say:
  • what it is
  • wow often you do it
  • why you do it
and explain how this activity or sport helps your fitness.  

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you're going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:
Walking is a good form of exercise and requires less physical efforts than any other regular forms of exercise. I walk regularly in the morning to keep my body fit.

I want to talk about one of the most popular forms of exercise - walking. Walking has a wide range of health benefits. It makes the people fit and the most important thing is that the people who walk do not need any external instruments to perform the walk. Moreover, it is convenient to all ages of people. There is no preset speed or distance is set for walking. So, an individual can have the walk after his or necessity. But in some cases when walking is prescribed by a doctor to prevent any specific physical illness or disorder, then you are to follow the prescribed distance to get cured.

Well, I usually take the walk in the early hours of the day and take it every day. I have no physical disorders or any other troubles but I go for the walk to have a grand opening for the day. Usually, on the weekends, I take a break from the walk. You know the weekend nights are too exciting in Singapore streets and thus I cannot get back at home before midnight. If you were me, it would have been tougher for you too to get up at 5.30am for the walk. So, I take the breaks on the weekends. But on the other days, I do not miss the walk and also have formed a team of walkers who accompany me in the early morning. I have two neighbours who are also conscious of their health and thus we three move for the walk in the city street.

Do you know that walking is the best form of freehand exercise? I think you are well informed about it. In fact, walking does not need any specific cause to perform and the benefits are more than your imagination. I get the walk done in the morning so that I can have a healthy beginning of the day. When I go out for the walk, I have the chance to breathe in the fresh air. Besides, the surrounding environment is calm and quiet. There are not traffics on the roads and everything remains silent which is not found in the other times of the day. So, I walk in the morning. Besides, I have to sit all the time in my office (the boring desk job) and lack the required movements to burn calories I intake. Though the calories are not harmful now, they contain the potentials to affect me after few years if I do not care about them from now. This is another important issue for me to walk in the morning.

The morning walk is helping me to a great extent to maintain my fitness level. I have been walking for around three years and as a result, my weight is under control and the heartbeat follows the regular rhythm while many of my colleagues have gained weight only for their desk job whereas I have been fit as I was in the beginning days of my job. Moreover, the morning walk makes my mind fresh and I feel lucky to breathe in the fresh air. Usually, the air is hot and polluted in the busy hours in this Lion city and I also cannot manage enough spaces to walk speedily. So, I have picked the morning to get the walk. Besides, it gives me the energy to deal all the challenges at my office. Moreover, I can think clearly which I believe is the benefit of walking as it keeps my thoughts cool always.

Model Answer 2:
In this present age, it is extremely difficult to remain fit unless you are engaged in some sort of exercise. I often perform yoga. This is the best match for me. In fact, it is not possible for me to take heavy exercises and as a lady, I also cannot move out for outdoor activities after the end of a hefty day in office.

Yoga is one of the good forms of exercises. It helps to keep people fit and healthy. Besides, there are numerous health benefits available with this exercise. If someone continues the yoga, the person will look beautiful. Besides, the exercises are also helpful to remove extra pounds from the body and bring a nice shape. In fact, I am attracted with yoga to make myself slim and remove the excess weight from my body that I gained sitting in desk round the day at my office.

I work for a multinational corporation based in Nepal. My job is to coordinate in administrative works. My office begins at 9.00 am and ends at 5.00 pm. So, I have made a routine for me to perform yoga two times in a day. When I get up in the morning at 6.00am, I attend a session for 20 minutes. And when I am at home in the evening, I participate in another session for 30 minutes. But I take breaks in the holidays. I need to manage my family and entertain guests on such days. So, I become unable to start the yoga sessions.

Yoga is an ancient type of exercise. There are different moves in this form. It helps to shape the body and at the same time brings peace of mind. There are some breathing exercises. The exercises help to cool down the nerves and simultaneously improve the respiratory organs and the entire system. I am greatly benefitted by the respiratory exercises. Moreover, yoga helps me to remain fit for the day. I feel fresh after completing a session.

Yoga is helpful to me in numerous ways. This is a type of exercise that requires almost no tools or instruments. Moreover, there is no specific time to perform the exercise. I have been being benefitted by yoga for a long time. Earlier, I had insomnia and now I can have a sound sleep at night. Yoga also helps me to prevent my asthma. I have no back pain with me as I suffered before after starting yoga. It also supports me to keep my emotional balance. I do not get angry about anything easily. Besides, my movements are flexible. I can move my limbs to any direction which is not possible with other women. Yoga really helps me to remain fit for the day.

If you can talk about the cue card topic "Talk about a sport or exercise that you do for fitness." you should be able to talk about the following IELTS cue card topics as well:
  1. Describe something you do to keep yourself fit.
  2. Describe something you do to maintain your body fit.
  3. Talk about a popular form of exercise in your country.
  4. Describe something you often do in the evening.
  5. Describe a sport you often watch or play.
  6. Describe something you often do in the morning.
  7. Describe something healthy you do.
  8. Describe a popular sport in your country.
  9. Describe something you are planning to start in the near future.
  10. Describe something you would like to add to your daily routine.
  11. Describe an activity you enjoy.
  12. Describe an activity or a hobby you want to start.

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