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Describe a wedding you have attended

IELTS Cue Card Question 99 With Model Answer:

Describe a wedding you have attended.

You should say:
  • where it was
  • who was getting married
  • why you attended this wedding
And explain what was special about this wedding. 

  [You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you're going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:
I am a student of The Agricultural University of Athens (AUA) and one of my friends have recently got married here with a lady of his own cast.

As an Athenian, I have passed my early days in Athens, the largest city in Greece and had the chance to meet with overseas people for educational purposes. Soumitra Shekhar Chatterjee is such a friend of mine whom I met at the AUA when I got admitted into my graduate level. Soumitra is from India, an Asian country and studies with me. He got married following his local cultures and rituals in Athens. The wedding was an enjoyable event for us all. The number of invited guests was few. Though the ceremony is held outdoors in India, it was held indoor here for the lack of space. We decorated the entire platform with different trees and made fire and completed other formalities as well to conduct the marriage perfectly.

Soumitra was in love with a girl, Nandini Chatterjee, belonged to his own cast and religion and they met at the AUA. Although Nandini's family originated from India, they were living in Athens for years and now have gained permanent resident status to live in the country. I, in fact, was the key player to formulate the love between the two. In the opening of the love, they were not that much familiar with each other but I was a close mate for Nandini as she lives on the opposite of our house and I have a familiar relationship with her family. With the divine direction, both of them fell with my help and now they are getting to tie the knot. It was a pleasure for me that I have made a family for my friend.

It was almost obligatory for me to attend the ceremony as I helped them greatly. Nandini's family invited all my family members and she herself invited me to be at the event. Besides, Soumitra assigned me his official photographer for the event. It was a really enjoyable event for me. I clicked all the photos and they have printed some of them too to use in their apartment. I actually cannot express my feelings and emotions that how I felt exactly right that moment when they become successful in tying the everlasting bond. It appeared that I am the happiest man as I have succeeded to make it happen which was unimaginable for the familial obstructions.

The marriage was special for me as I have never seen any marriage that has taken place indoors. Mostly the marriages in Athens take place outdoors and many invited guests attend the ceremony. Besides, after the instruction from Nandini’s family, I, with some of my friends, made a platform where a fire was kept. Soumitra and Nandini circled the fire while a Hindu priest was reading something loudly that I could not understand at all but sounded interesting. The foods were special. Traditional Indian foods while were brought from a local Indian restaurant. In fact, the foods were the key attraction for me and I have tasted almost all the foods and finally thanked them for allowing me to taste the foods together.

If you can talk about the cue card topic "Describe a wedding you have attended." you should be able to talk about the following IELTS cue card topics as well:
  • Describe a party or celebration you have recently attended.
  • Describe a wedding party you attended.
  • Talk about a traditional ceremony or celebration you know about.
  • Describe a birthday or wedding celebration you attended.
  • Describe an occasion or event when you met a lot of people.

Model Answer 2:
From my early childhood, I am mostly an extrovert. I love to talk with people, meet new people and make friends. I love to be with them and share my updates. So, socialising is a very usual practice for me. Recently, I went to attend a wedding ceremony of my childhood friend, Manila. We both have grown up together. Thank you for the question. The question reminds me of the sweet memories of the day. I will describe it now.

The wedding ceremony took place at a local convention centre here in Indonesia. The convention centre was well decorated marking the ceremony. But there was a trouble with the parking of cars of the invited guests. So, there was a chaos in the parking lot. But the trouble was minimised and then everything went usually. I enjoyed the gathering with many people, particularly the childhood friends of mine. The foods were delicious. In fact, all the traditional Indonesian foods were prepared at the event. Overall, it was a nice event indeed.

Manila is my childhood friend. Both of us have studied in a local school for girls. But when we were in college, we had to get split. She moved to another part of the city and got admitted into a different college. She wanted to study in science while I preferred the business activities. So, there was a separation between us. We could not meet like the other days. She was my best friend. And I missed her presence. The similar thing happened to her too. She also missed me. We used to communicate through the Yahoo messenger and other communicating apps. She came to visit me or I went to visit her in every 15 days. Actually, we eagerly waited for the meeting day to arrive. The bonding between us grew stronger with the passing of days. So, when I heard that she was getting married, I was happy and planned to be with her until the day of the wedding. After my plan, I did everything.

Attending the wedding ceremony was a must for me. In fact, if I missed the event, I think I would have killed the relationship between Manila and me. Moreover, her parents also relied on me to do everything marking the wedding. I was like a family member to them. Actually, they had never differentiated between me and Manila. Her mother also treated me as like her own daughter. So, considering everything, my presence at the wedding was extremely important. Without my direct support, it was impossible for Manila to get prepared for the wedding. I also helped her to be mentally stable and deal with everything easily. Furthermore, a wedding ceremony is the place where a good number of people come, meet and greet. So, I also did not want to miss that chance of socialising. Thereby, I attended the wedding.

The most special thing about the wedding was the makeup of the bride. She looked gorgeous on the day. She took only some simple makeups and there were no exaggerations in anything. Moreover, all the foods were halal and tasty. Manila’s father took care of the foods by himself. He was with the cooks all the time and ensured the quality. Moreover, it was a special wedding for me as I was treated like a special guest. Manila’s parents praised me highly. To be honest, I was flattered by such praises. Finally, the wedding ceremony was over smoothly and this was the best thing of the event. Based on all the matters, it was special to me.

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