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Describe something old in your house

IELTS Cue Card Question 97 With Model Answer:

Describe something old in your house.

You should say:
  • what it is
  • how old it is
  • who bought it and whether you use it
And explain why this old thing is still in your house.  

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you're going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:
I live in an extended family in Lucknow, in India, with my parents and relatives and we have a large dining table and chairs made of Oak Wood where all the family members take meals at least twice a day.

The Oak table was made by my late grandfather and we are using the table in the current days without any troubles. The table has a traditional classic look and simple design. This is a large table with the sitting arrangement of 12 people together. There are 12 chairs included with the table and we all members are using the table as and when we need it. Mostly the table remains busy during the morning hours when all the male and two female members are busy to go to their respective office or educational institutions and it is also seen busy when all of them come back home and take their supper. Sometimes, we need to sit on the table by rotation when there are guests or any event takes place at the home like pooja or Diwali or the national holidays.

The table was made around 50 years ago by my late grandfather. He was a man of luxury and thus made the table with few customisation. Usually, the tables are not made so large and could accommodate around six to eight members. But the foreseeing great-grandfather made the table so that all the family members could take their meals at one place every day. He believed that taking meals together strengthens the bond between the family members. The tradition to take meals together is being continued even before the birth of my father. This is an invisible rule that we all should be present at the table when the mealtime appears. It is also the time when the important decisions are usually taken at our home. The tradition has been being continued for centuries.

There was a reputed carpenter in the suburb of Lucknow whose ancestors used to make furniture for the British people came to rule the country during colonisation. My locally influential grandfather managed to get this table and chairs done from that carpenter’s shop and it was made with great care. There is nothing extraordinary in the table but simply it looks gorgeous. The table is polished once in a year and no other repairing has been done for the table. It is still strong and may last for 30 to 40 years more. We have placed a heavy glass especially customised for the table (though the wood is scratch resistant) so that there is no scratch or any other damages could be done either deliberately or unconsciously. The house-maid everyday brushes the table with a duster before and after each meal.

My father and paternal uncles have received the table from their ancestors. Besides, it is useful furniture for us too. We are 13 members in the family and could meet everyone during the meal hours. The table is strong, nicely polished and heavy as well which his not found in these days. The tables which are made currently with different other woods do not last for a long. Troubles immediately start to appear after receiving the cheap furniture and people need to repair or change them frequently. But my family has been using the table for a long time without a single repair, except the annual polish. Besides, we are using the bale as it is made of Oak Wood which is highly durable (we are enjoying the durability), and solid. They are free of internal wood damages and serve for years.

Sample Answer 2:
Watching television is a hobby for some people while it is a necessity for many. In fact, this is a necessity for my father. He loves to watch television in his leisure hours. The television set is the older piece in our house. It was bought about over 25 years ago. Thank you for the smart question. It will be a pleasure to describe the television here.

This is an old television set from a Japanese brand. My grandfather had brought it from Japan. He went there to have a business visit. Now he is passing his retired life. Though he brought the television set home, he rarely sits before it. It is my father who is glued to the television set and enjoys various types of shows and events. Moreover, the other members, like my mother and maids, also watch it whenever they need. But I enjoy the quarrels between my mother and father about the control on the television set.

The television was brought here in early part of the 1990s. When my grandpa went Japan to deal some business with his Japanese partners, he fell in love with the television set and bought that with a high price. In fact, it was the latest model at that time and probably was the first television set of Nippon brand in the country. My grandpa liked the television set for many reasons. His love for Japanese products for quality was adorable. He had long been using a wristwatch made in Japan. Besides, there were some other essential products that we have been using for long were from Japan. Considering all the matters together, he bought the television set. It is a surprising fact that the television set is running very well. And there are no troubles with it. Recently my father had brought a television set of a locally made brand but had to replace that due to its faulty picture tube. In contrary, the Nippon television set is serving without such issues.

In his early life, my grandfather started a business of exporting spices from Sri Lanka to other countries. As part of his business, he had to travel in various countries and to be honest, he fell in love with Japan. Besides, his business expanded in Japan than the other countries. He opened a branch there and frequently visited the country. In such a visit, he brought the television with a high price. I heard that everyone in the family were highly happy with the television set. Unluckily, I did not have the chance to watch the television set. In fact, I cannot manage time to enjoy television shows. As a student, it is hard to manage time beyond my academic studies. But when there are important events like cricket match of National Team of Sri Lanka or any other special occasions, I try to watch the shows on the television set.

It is true that the age has advanced. But there some issues which cannot be ignored. The television set is one of them which we cannot leave. Actually, there are no reasons to discard the television set from the family. First of all, the television set is without any trouble. The picture and sound quality are still better than any other contemporary television set. Besides, operating the television set is easier and it consumes less power. Based on all the issues, my family loves the television very much. Even my father is expecting that the television will serve the family for many more years. We are really happy with the television set.

If you can talk about the cue card topic "Describe something old in your house." you should be able to talk about the following IELTS cue card topics as well:

  • Describe a furniture you have at home.
  • Talk about an old furniture your family has for a long.
  • Describe something which is very important to your family.
  • Describe something you own which is very important to you.

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