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Describe a photograph you have taken yourself

IELTS Cue Card Question 71 With Model Answer:

Describe a photograph you have taken yourself which you particularly like.

You should say:
  • what the picture shows
  • when you took it
  • why you took it
And explain why you particularly like this photograph.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you're going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:
Recently I have got my iPhone 6 as a gift from my father and have taken a picture of my family. Almost all the members living with us were present at the photo.

Capturing photograph is the way to cage the time and remember the past when you have leisure. Photos usually take people to a different world or thoughts and they are in a deep sense enjoyment till they continue watching the photos. Therefore, I took the photo to make the event an ever remembering one marking the moment of celebrating to have the very first iPhone in our family. It was the very first picture clicked on my phone as well. The picture contained my parents, my siblings – a younger brother and a sister, my granny, one of our neighbours who came suddenly, our maid and my pet cat. All of them were sitting on couches and smiled when I clicked the photo.

It was the evening of autumn and the day before my birth date. My father rushed to my room. He came from his office and I thought something serious might have happened as his facial expressions looked so. As his older daughter, I knew each of his movements and expressions but that was unknown to me. He neither was happy nor was angry but his eyes and face looked exciting. I could not realise the fact until he revealed and unboxed the iPhone 6. It was a great surprise for me and I did not expect such a wonderful gift from him although he once said that he would buy me a new cellular phone set. After receiving the iPhone, I took the picture but unfortunately I was missing from the photograph.

Before handing the iPhone over to me, my father asked all the members of the family to be present at the living room. Accordingly, everyone was there and we both came to the downstairs. I showed the phone to everyone. All of them were glad seeing me happy. So, I decided to do something special with the phone and asked them all to be one place so that I could get a picture of them. Being highly joyous about the phone, I clicked the picture and all of them were happy.

I like the picture and it is one of my favourite pictures because of so many reasons. Firstly, the picture is the very first picture taken from the iPhone. I have captured a lot of pictures with the iPhone but still, I remember the day when I clicked the picture of my family. I have taken a good number of selfies with the front camera but the rear camera is better and I have printed the picture which is flawless. Moreover, all of my favourite people were present in the picture and even my pet also stares at the picture hanging in my bedroom. Besides, the pose everyone gave was excellent. The other condition like lighting was perfectly okay. Moreover, it is a document of my success in mobile photography. For all these reasons, I like the photo very much.

Model Answer 2:
I love to capture moments with my Canon 50D and travel from place to place to get the right moment to capture. A few months ago, I went to the Bells Beach in Victoria, Australia and captured some outstanding pictures. I will describe it now.

The picture shows that the sun is going down while some birds are flying in the sky. In fact, it appears that some of the birds are flying in the sun. It happens for a distant view. It was a clear shot. The sun looks like a large circle filled with red. The entire sky was echoing the sun rays of the evening. Besides, the surrounding area also turned red with the influence of the evening sun. Nature looks beautiful in the photo. I took the shot from a distant place and so, I could cover a large area. Some of the parts of the area were covered with beautiful trees and I tried to capture them as well.

I went to the beach in the afternoon and waited for around two hours for the sunset. I wanted to take a nice picture of the beach or the surrounding areas. So, I had to wait to get the right moment before me. Fortunately, the waiting resulted in a good photograph. I took the photo a couple of minutes before the sunset. It appeared that the sun was going down under the water. The entire nature turned calm and quite. Everyone present at the beach also became silent and they started enjoying the decaying beauty of the sun for the day. The mighty bright sun took the shape of a large ball and started going down slowly. The reddish ray covered the entire world. It was the perfect moment to click the photo. So, I took the photo right before the sunset. Actually, it was one of the greatest photos of my life.

Photography is my hobby. I always carry my camera if I go to visit any place in the country. As part of my short trip to the beach in Victoria, I took the photo. Moreover, I spend the entire day to take perfect shot for me marking the participation in a local photography competition. This was another motive for me to take the photo. But the thing that inspired me was the beautiful nature. Actually, I have never seen such a beautiful sunset before. Living in a city does not allow to enjoy such natural scenarios. We all have to pass a hefty life. During the time of sunset, usually, I have to play my roles in the office I work in. So, it is not possible for me to get out of the office to enjoy such exotic scenes.

I like the photograph for many reasons. As I told before that this is the very best photograph of my life. The colour tone, the composition and the surrounding environment were perfect. Earlier, I had to arrange the settings for me but in this beach, I found everything was set for me, naturally. So, when I clicked the photo, I felt a sense of comfort inside my heart. The preview shows that it is a perfect photo that follows all the rules and directives of photography grammar. Moreover, when I submitted the photo to the competition, it won the first prize. Considering all the issues, I think this is a precious achievement of my photographic career and this I like it most.

Your preparation for this topic will help you to talk about the following cue card topics:  
  • Describe a picture or photo you like very much. 
  • Describe your favourite photograph. 
  • Describe a photo or painting you took or drawn yourself. 
  • Describe a selfie you like. 
  • Describe a picture you took using your camera or mobile phone. 
  • Describe an important photograph you have. 
  • Describe a photograph that has a lot of memory of yours. 
  • Talk about a photograph you have in your home.

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