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Describe a museum you have visited and liked

IELTS Cue Card Question 91 With Model Answer:

Describe a museum you have visited and liked.

You should say:
  • what kind of museum it was
  • when you first went there
  • what you saw and did there
and explain why you liked this museum.  

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you're going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:
A museum is an exciting place to learn about the past and histories of numerous issues. A few weeks ago, I went to the War Remnants Museum with some of my friends.

The War Remnants Museum is located in Ho Chi Minh City in Vietnam. This museum is a place of wonderful collections of Vietnam War. The museum also contains relics and collection of the first Indochina war where the participation of the French Colonialists was a notable issue. The museum is currently operated by the state. The museum exhibits mostly the relics of the war associated with the Americans and the French. In the 1970s, the relics were exhibited on the temporary basis and were termed in a different name. Such exhibitions were also held in different parts of Vietnam to let people know about the war crimes which Vietnam has suffered. The exhibition name was changed in the 1990s.

When I was a teen, I went to the museum with my high school mates. It was an educational trip for us and we visited the museum from our school. The school authority organised for the tour and all the students of the high school had to participate in the trip. I learnt a lot of information during the trip but it was not that much popular as it in the current days. Around one million visitors come to see the war relics in this museum and it has turned into one of the most attracting places both for the natives and global travellers. But the foreign visitors are more in number than the local visitors and the opinions are different among the travellers. Some of them cannot bear the horrors of the Vietnam wars during the visit.

The museum bears the wounds of war and it is a kind of insult to the Vietnamese people. Thereby, the anti-USA elements are more visible than any other historical elements. The relics are highly sensitive to the local people and the nation as well. There are series of rooms themed with a different period. Military tools and various equipment are also kept in care inside the museum. There are some unexploded ordnances also stored inside the museum yard as the war relic. The photographs are the best thing to see in the museum and they exhibit the horrific events of the war days. I walked through the rooms and the buildings to see all the relics and deeply felt sad for the departed souls in the war. 

I like the museum for its extraordinary decoration, war relic collections and mostly the photographs. The photographs were captured by photojournalists of different countries and some of them have donated the photos for common exhibition. Though in the beginning, the museum was the house of propaganda against the USA, different changes have taken place in past years and such words or posters marking the propaganda have been removed. Besides, the museum allows the visitors to write their own thought about the entire Vietnam War issue and I liked that much as the visitors can freely write down their own thoughts and compliments.

Model Answer 2:
I had been to major tourist attractions and museums in the short trip of last month in Paris and liked the Army Museum most. This was a great place to visit and enriched my knowledge about some specific matters. The museum is the place to know about the military history and to know about the vintage artefacts there. Thank you for the question. It is a pleasure to answer them.

The museum is known as The Musée de l'Armée or Army Museum. This was a national military museum in the country and located in Paris. The history of the museum dates back to 1905 and at present, it has seven major spaces to exhibit. The collections are precious and beautiful. It contains the artefacts since the French Revolution and many other wars. Before the formation of the museum, the relics were in two other institutions and with the merge of them, we now have this one.

Before this visit, I did not have visited the museum. Though I came to Paris for many tasks and in business trips, I was not capable of managing time in those trips. So, when I went Paris in last month, I did not want to miss the chance of visiting the museum. I love to know history and the museum served as a great mentor for me to let me know about the historical events of the country. As it was my very first visit to the museum, I was amazed by the artefacts and exhibition galleries. The relics are related to the French military from the Middle Age and to the latest dates. Moreover, the other collection of the museum is enviable for the contemporary museums. This is the only national museum that has been made to display the military history of the country and amaze people and the other visitors.

I was surprised to see the military history of the country. There were six galleries and each of them were loaded with ancient and modern war materials and relics. The exhibit rooms were the centre of attraction for everything here. the artefacts were classic. There were the samples of various weapons like samurai and the weapons used in the Second World War. I also watched the tomb of Napoleon. Everything inside the museum was well organized and beautiful. There was a café for the visitors from where I took light snacks for me and my partners there. The educative value of the museum artefacts cannot be ignored as well. Many of the school children were at the museum to gather knowledge about the French military history. I passed about three hours inside the museum and learnt many unknown facts about the country. 

I like to travel and gather knowledge from my first-hand experience. Visiting a museum helps to know about the culture and customs of any specific place. So, visiting the Army Museum in Paris helped me to know about the past of the country, particularly how the military facilities were in ages. Besides, I liked the old armours and weapons from the 13th century. They really look gorgeous even after hundreds of years. The modern department also attracted my attention too. Overall, I gained a complete knowledge of the military history of France. So, I liked the museum much.

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