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Describe an importation occasion or event you have attended

IELTS Cue Card Question 82 With Model Answer:

Describe an importation occasion or event (such as a wedding or a celebration) you have attended.

You should say:
  • when and where you attended this occasion
  • who else attended
  • what you did
And explain how much you enjoyed it.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you're going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:
Social events create the opportunities to get familiarity and interact with unfamiliar people and also the best way to taste traditional foods. I, recently, went to a marriage anniversary celebration of my colleague living in Islamabad and enjoyed greatly.

Mr Abdur Rahman Khan, my senior colleague, invited few of his intimate companions to the celebration. It was his 9th year of togetherness with his wife, two cute kids and other members of the family. The event was set for the evening and ended with a dinner hosted by Mr Khan and his adorable wife. I was feeling lucky for being invited to the event. There were many other guests present at the event and most of them were the relatives of Mr Khan. Besides, the traditional biryani and other associated foods were great too.

Mr Khan invited the CEO of our office with three other officials including me. Though it was a formal event, he invited us in an informal manner as if it is nothing to him, but we were surprised appearing at his residence. The CEO of our office was late for the event and reached after a few minutes later of us. After reaching, Mr Khan offered us a warm welcome to his home. The interior of his apartment was stunningly decorated with expensive and pleasant furniture and show pieces and the guests were busy in chatting.  He introduced us to all and then, I with the other colleagues started discussing different issues with the present guests till the food was served.

In fact, we were strangers among the relatives of Mr Khan. Therefore, it was an awkward situation for us. But our CEO is an interesting man and he managed the environment and started telling jokes about different issues. The jokes were helpful to melt down the ice among the guests and us. The CEO, then, started a competition and announced for a small prize for the winner. Since there were kids present at the event, he requested all to avoid inappropriate jokes before the kids. The joke telling competition continued for half an hour and I was the winner of my smallest and funniest joke.

I have really enjoyed the event and especially the foods were delicious. Mr Khan’s wife arranged for chicken biryani and I think I have taken the best ever cooked biryani there. Despite being an Indian dish, biryani is highly popular in Pakistan and the rice and meats were so soft that they melted on mouth instantly. Some other mouth-watering foods were also present but I took biryani more than any other food items. The ceremony was wonderful and turned more enjoyable for the spontaneous participation of the guests in the joke competition. The event is a memorable one for me.

Your preparation for this Cue card will help you to answer the following Cue card topics as well: 
  • Describe a ceremony or event you remember well.
  • Describe a party or celebration you attended. 
  • Describe a wedding ceremony you have attended. 
  • Describe a happy event you can remember. 
  • Describe a party or celebration where a lot of people attended. 
  • Talk about an outdoor feast or meal you have eaten. 
  • Describe a typical birthday or wedding ceremony in your country. 

Sample Answer 2:
Generally, I do not prefer attending any social events for my introvert nature but last week had to attend a birthday celebration of a cousin of mine. In fact, my entire family was invited to that event and I could not avoid that. Thank you so much for the smart question. I will answer it in brief now.

The birthday event took place at the residence of my cousin. My uncle (his father) is a great businessman and has arranged a gala party marking the birthday of his daughter who turned 12 this day. So, he invited us all to attend the party. Besides, it was arranged on a weekly holiday so that everyone could join with them. Accordingly, I had to be there with my parents and other family members. The event was organised in the evening and ended with the dinner. It was an interesting experience for me indeed. In fact, it was a social gathering for me after long days.

Almost all the family members of my family including relatives from near and far attended the event. I also had met with some celebrities as well who have a very good connection with my uncle. Besides, the house was filled with other guests and invited people who came to attend the birthday party. My uncle wanted to make a grand birthday party and he did so. He invited all of his relatives and business partners. In fact, he is a promising businessman here in Shanghai and deals with export and importing of various types of industrial products. So, his connections are great. On the other side, my cousin also invited some of her school friends. They came with their parents. It was a splendid evening and I have not seen such a large gathering before. Everyone present there were happy and enjoyed the evening.

I actually feel shy to socialise with people. And I am introvert since my childhood. So, in the beginning, I felt uncomfortable amid the gathering. But after few moments, everything went normally. I started talking with the guests and my relatives. I also took some photos with the media celebrities on the occasion. Suddenly, I heard my uncle was calling me by name, and then I appeared before him. Then he asked me to be with the invited people and take care of them. It was a huge responsibility on me. But I executed them smoothly. In fact, it was my moral duty to look after the guests as I was a family member. But due to my shyness, I could not do that and uncle helped me to get out of my introvert nature. I helped the invited guests to take their meals and ensured that everyone gets the birthday cake piece. Besides, I also did some other activities which were necessary for the event.

As I have said, it was uncomfortable in the beginning. But gradually it was removed. I talked with the people and enjoyed the event, particularly the musical show. A local musical group was hired to perform on the show and they did very well. On the other side, I also enjoyed helping the guests in taking their meals. I took a good care of them. So, everyone was happy with my performance. Finally, when the event was nearly to the end and the guests started leaving the premise one after another, I felt a sense of empty feeling inside my mind. And I do not know why it happened. Later I realised that it was my introvert nature that did not allow me to socialise and now after the socialisation process, I was feeling happy inside me. And for that reason, I think, I had that sort of feeling. But I enjoyed the event to the last minute.

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