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Describe an activity you recently took part in

IELTS Cue Card Question 62 With Model Answer: 

Describe an activity you recently took part in.

You should say: 
  • what the activity was
  • where and when it took place
  • who organized it
and explain your feeling about this activity.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you're going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:
Usually, I participate in almost all the activities of my college and recently my classmates organised an outdoor picnic and I participated in that.

It was all of a sudden and all the classmates agreed on arranging a picnic. All of us contributed on the picnic so that we could but the necessary food and other items. The venue was selected adjacent to out college in Mumbai. Basically, the idea emerged from observing a birthday party of one of my classmates. But instead of celebrating the birthday inside the classroom, I proposed to make it a picnic in outdoor and everyone present there positively nodded with my proposal and immediately started arranging the picnic. When I submitted the proposal for the outdoor picnic, it appeared that many of them have not been attending an outdoor picnic for so long.

Then we collected the contributory money to arrange the picnic and three of the boys went shopping the necessary things. By the time, two of the girls went to their home to bring the cooking ports. The rest went to the spot near Mumbai sea beach. It was almost noon when the others reached the selected spot with the cooking pots and materials. We took water buckets, plates, glasses, water containers and stoves to the spot. Cooking was assigned to the girls of the class and traditional food items were cooked in the picnic. Moreover, a birthday cake was brought to celebrate the birthday of Nitish, the birthday boy for aiming whom we have arranged the picnic.

Since I proposed for the picnic, they assigned me with all the responsibilities to coordinate the picnic. Thereby, I had to be highly busy and got occupied with all the activities. I selected members for purchasing the food items from the local market while I also advised the girls to bring some cooking pots and stove from their respective house and accordingly they brought all the necessary items. All of them were puzzled about the spot selection while I suggested that we could go near the sea beach which is not far away from the college. Moreover, the idea of having a birthday cake was my invention.

I am highly pleased that I have participated in the arrangement of the picnic and could make it a successful one. Due to the mechanised nature of our daily life, we cannot make our body and mind free from stress and anxiety. A sudden outing with the friends and near or dear ones really helps to get relief from the dullness of the life. The picnic we made was entirely unexpected and enjoyable too. But we had to miss all the classes on that day and we, in fact, do not bother about the issue as we all informed our respective teachers about the sudden outing near the sea beach.

Model Answer 2:
I am a sales manager cum in-charge at a part of a departmental store in Japan and recently my shop authority had arranged for a week-long festival at the shop. I took part in the festival. This was one of the most interesting events in the year for me. Thank you for the nice question and I will describe the entire event now.

It was a sales festival and the owner declared 25 percent off on every product. The shop is located near the Tokyo University and popular for many reasons. The shop has several sections and a food outlet, and I am the in-charge of the outlet. My boss declared the off marking the birth of his baby boy. He was highly glad for the baby and decided to share the joy with his clients. And thus he planned for the discount on everything on the shop and food selling outlet.

The baby boy was born at the beginning of this month and my boss Mr Yushiku had to remain busy for a few days with the baby and its mother. So, he was unable to attend the shop and me in line with the other staffs had to take care of everything. But when he returned, he declared the discount and we all had to organise the entire issue. In fact, advertising for the discount was the most complex task here. Besides, the shop is located in a busy place, and so it was difficult to arrange for everything within a short notice. The discount was applicable to every potential client who entered the shop. In fact, the regular clients and consumers were happy with such an off. Some of them had shopped than their usual limit due to the discount on the base price. The offer continued for about one week, and luckily the sales rate increased than the normal time.

It was hard to manage everything. Usually, we attach the prices of the products. So, it was the time to change the old prices from the products. Besides, posting the advertisements inside the store was another hefty task. I was assigned to compose the advertisement. Writing them on hand was another important task as well. Actually, my boss wanted to greet his customers by both handwritten and composed advertisements. I ordered a large digital poster declaring the discount on every product that I placed on the front window of the shop. The poster contained all the details about the discount and the other benefits for the customers. It was like a festival for us. Every staff of the shop had to remain busy from the opening hour to the closing every day till the off was available.

The feelings were mixed. It was like that I am observing any special occasion. The shop was busy through the day. Though I was the in-charge of the food outlet, I also had to take care of some other issues as well. Most of the time, I had to remain engaged in the selling activities and greeting the potential customers. At the same time, I was responsible for the inventory management. So, it was a bit difficult for me to manage everything. But I did so and the boss was happy with my performance. But I was happy and lastly, I was rewarded for the extraordinary performance. This was for the first time for me to take part in such a sales festival and it was really a wonderful experience.

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