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Describe a person who has done a lot of work to help people

IELTS Cue Card Question 20 With Model Answer:

Describe a person who has done a lot of work to help people. 

You should say: 
  • who this person is/was
  • where this person lives/lived
  • what he/she has done to help people
and explain how you know about this person.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you're going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:
Humanity is a highly admired virtue across the globe. Unfortunately, most of the people are not possessed by the virtue rather most of them prefer to be busy on their own. But there were some people who sacrificed their lives for the betterment of humankind selflessly.

Mother Teresa is one of the holy souls that have spent the entire life for the improvement of the impoverished section of the society. Born in Macedonia, Mother Teresa was a missionary in India. She was a Roman Catholic religious sister. She passed her early days in Yugoslavia and consequently turned into a nun to serve the destitute.

Mother Teresa, the youngest child of Nikollë and Dranafile Bojaxhiu was born with the name - Anjezë Gonxhe Bojaxhiu, meaning little flower, in Skopje and she lived with her family in the locality before all of them moved to Tirana in 1934. Her father was involved in local politics but he died when she was of eight years old.

Mother Teresa, from her early life, was kind to the destitute people. It is also known that she loved reading stories of missionaries and was amazed particularly for the service in Bengal. Gradually she developed a determination to be a missionary and she was only 12 then. She decided to lead a life for the others and follow the religious views to walk on the chosen path. When she turned 18, she left her home to be a sister and join with the Sister of Loreto which served as a missionary. She left her home forever and never met with her mother and sister again in her life.

She learnt the English language to be applied in the continent she is travelling for helping the people with the missionaries. Initially, she arrived in India as a teacher and she had to learn Bengali too. She started teaching the Bengali speaking people. Observing the famine, misery and religious violence among the people in Calcutta, she determined to change the situation.

She founded Missionaries of Charity, a religious institution to serve the destitute plying on the streets of Calcutta. ‘Missionaries of Charity’ has different initiatives for the poor, homeless, disease-affected people and the most important information is the services it offers are free of costs.    

Mother Teresa is a globally admired figure and even after her death, she is remembered with deep respect. Numerous news and events have been created for her remembrance and I live adjacent to her organisation – Missionaries of Charity. I have seen the good initiatives undertaken by the organisation. So, Mother Teresa and her institution are more familiar to me than any other thing in the town.

Model Answer 2:
China is one of the largest and most populated countries in the world but health services are not accessible equally for everyone in the country. On the contrary, some people are relentless to provide medical facilities to the impoverished people, and Mr Gui Junjie is one of those great personalities.

Mr Juinjie is a doctor by profession and loves to serve the people of all classes. But the majority of his patients are poor and they cannot even pay his fees as well. He loves to serve them and when asked about this habit, he has a simple reply that it was his moral duty to serve the people who are in need of healthcare. Sometimes he arranges for necessary medications for his patients who are unable to buy them.

Mr Juinjie lives in a corner of the main street in the city of Hangzhou in Zhejiang Province located in east China. I am quite familiar with his simple living and lifestyle for long. He is solvent enough to lead a luxurious life but his day to day life is so simple that he even does not have a car and instead uses a bicycle to move in the city. On the other sides, all of his mates have started leading fascinating lifestyle as they charge their patients more and more. But Mr Juinjie is completely different and the only man I have seen ever that did not run after money.

Basically, Mr Juinjie is an M.B.B.S doctor and has some special training in surgery and dentistry together. So, he is able to deal with almost all types of diseases and if he fails to treat the patients, he refers them to some other places where they could have the treatment at a reasonable cost. He has a two-storied building that he inherited from his father and has launched a small nursing centre at the ground floor of the building where he performs the minor surgeries and usually meets with the patients at his chamber which is located just aside the surgery room on the same floor. He has done a varied number of things for the local people and the most important issue is that he is available for everyone and at any time of the day which has made him unique. His prescriptions contain comparatively fewer medicines and are filled with more advice.

When I was a kid of seven or eight, I had fallen ill and my parents took me to Mr Juinjie for treatment. I recovered the illness shortly and came to know that he prescribed me some simple medicines. Since his chamber is just in the opposite direction of my residence, I have the chance to meet him twice or thrice in a day while returning home from my colleges and listen to different stories – how he helped saving lives, served lots of people in different parts of the city and much more of his past experiences. I believe he is one of the greatest persons I have ever met in my life.

Part 3: Detail Discussion:

Helping other people in the community

Q. What are some of the ways people can help others in the community? Which is most important?
A. There are many other ways to help people living in a community or society. The notable helping ways are showing kindness to others, assist in doing something regardless of the task shape or size, behaving in a courteous manner, provide support in mental distress, be with them during their sorrowful events, sharing the joys, offering voluntary services to the social organizations or during social events, arranging employment for the unemployed (if possible), lending money in soft-terms during distress or supporting with foods, help to get justice etc. But the most important thing, I believe, is to arrange for an employment. There is a proverb – Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.

Q. Why do you think some people like to help other people?
A. People who are kind and soft-hearted usually love to help others. They find a sort of good feelings inside their mind when they could help someone in danger or misery. They are of the view that they are performing some good deeds and in return, they will get that back. There are theories that everything is round. If you do well of others it will come to you unexpectedly, and if you do bad things that will hurt you too, unexpectedly. But most of the people who do well to others are not the theory-believers. They do it selflessly and enjoy the satisfaction of sacrifice.

Q. Some people say that people help others in the community more now than they did in the past. Do you agree or disagree? Why?
A. The range of good deeds has increased in the society comparing the past. Earlier, people had not the necessity to mix with people as they are socialising now with the demand of time. So, as they are socialising more, they are experiencing the necessity of others and accordingly providing support to the distressed. But, a few decades back, people lived in a constricted loop and their life was limited to specific people or community consisted of very few members. So, they did not have the chance to help others in the community as they have today.

Community Services

Q. What types of services, such as libraries or health centres, are available to the people who live in your area? Do you think there are enough of them?
A. In my area, we do have health centres but we need libraries more. We have a single library and the books are insufficient for the increasing readers. At times it appears that the number of patients is on the rise and people are forgetting to meet their thirst for knowledge in the fast-paced age. Thereby, the health centres are on the rise while the libraries are on a decline. Mostly the young people, in the evening, pass their time on the library by reading books. So, the number of libraries needed to be increased and the existing one should b enriched with books and other reading materials.

Q. Which groups of people generally need the most support in a community? Why?
A. Women, children and the old people are the most vulnerable section of a society or community. They need more support in a community than other for their vulnerable nature. For instance, if there is an earthquake, the aforesaid section should be prioritised regarding escape or taking shelter to a safer place as they cannot move like men. Besides, disease resistance power is lower among them comparing the male members of a society. So, they should be allowed to get advantages in hospitals or other health-related services. The feeble nature has made them dependent on others and the issue should always be kept in mind regarding behave with them.

Q. Who do you think should pay for the services that are available to the people in a community? Should it be the government or individual people?
A. Only the government or any individual cannot run a community service alone. The expenses are increasing rapidly and thus the maintenance cost is turning higher day by day. So, the people who are taking the services should also contribute to the sectors so that everyone could get smooth services. For instance, the health centres provide different vaccines and it may happen that a certain vaccine price has gone up which is beyond the budget. So, if the other service receivers contribute a portion of the annual or monthly budget of the health centre, the vaccine will be affordable to all. So, I think the government, the individuals and the beneficiaries should pay for the services.

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