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Describe a journey that you remember well

IELTS Cue Card Question 19 With Model Answer: 

Describe a journey [e.g. by car, plane, boat] that you remember well.

You should say:
  • where you went
  • how you travelled
  • why you went on the journey
and explain why you remember this journey well.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you're going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:
Journies are always pleasant to people. The trip removes the monotony of daily life. There are several ways of travelling and most of the time people prefer the air journey as it is the quickest and trouble free mode of transportation. But, to me, an air journey appears to be mechanised. I prefer travelling on waterways.

I had the luck to have a boat journey on a moonlit night on the River Ganges in a participation of my family members in this year. The journey is made annually by my family and has been observed for years. It was a highly pleasant journey for us all. Usually, people travel by boat on daytime but the journey was planned about 20 days back to be held at night of a full moon. All of our family members (who were available in the city) were invited to participate in the journey.

In the beginning of the journey, we hired a boat with three boaters with the condition to stay the full night with us. The boat we selected was able to run both by manually and automatically. It was a large boat and perfectly accommodated us all (45 people) on it. We started our journey after the dusk and took our special meals with us to be taken during the boat ride. We also had food provisions for the boatmen too. The journey began from a Ghat of Varanasi at around 6.30pm. Then the boatmen slowly started moving the boat towards the centre of the River.

The Ganges is considered as a holy religious spot for the Hindus and many of the people of Hindu religion come here to purify themselves. It is our family tradition to take boat journey on the River annually but we do not pay any forms of tribute to the River. Simply we observe the moonlit night and the journey helps us remove the monotony of our regular life. The surrounding environment is calm and quiet and at times some small lights are seen at a far distance. The city lights are also found and the views are astonishing. The mild wind blowing over the River creates a sense of satisfactory feelings which is unavailable in the city life.

The journey is an ever reminding one for me. This was the very first journey for me and earlier I was discarded from the traveller's list for my tender age. I have seen moonlit night but had not the chance to observe the beauty from a boat. The moon shadow created a highly romantic environment there. Everyone including the pet dog was silent too during the trip. Everyone was gazing at the silvery moon like Moonstruck. The waves breaking down on the boat created an impressive situation. Thus, I will remember the journey forever in my life.

Model Answer 2:
Well, journeys are parts of our life and from the ancient time till now, we move to different places for work, business, meeting others and for holidays. I would talk about a journey that I remember quite vividly. It was a journey to Vienna, the capital of Austria, and I had this journey by a plane.

Last year, my father decided to visit Vienna and take us with him as he got a week’s holiday vacation from his office. This was a very exciting news for us and we all were looking forward to having a great journey. We went to Vienna and the journey was quite exciting and memorable.

On the scheduled day we went to the National Airport and completed the paperwork before we were greeted by an air hostess in the plane. We took our seats and this was the second time for me to have a plane journey. As soon as the plane took off and rose in the air higher and higher, I started feeling a bit nervous initially and then overwhelmed by the tranquillity and serenity of the higher altitude. We were offered some complimentary foods and drinks and I enjoyed the white cloud, peaks of the mountains and a distant view of different cities beneath ourselves. All of a sudden I found that my mother was not feeling well with the sudden bump but I assured her and held her hand for a couple of minutes. When the plane swung from side to side, some of the passengers were worried but it was a different feeling to me-  like a big bird swinging in the air. My father was reading a magazine while my little sister was enjoying the view through the small window beside her seat. She was taking pictures and from her facial expression, I could see that it was quite exciting for her. As we passed over the rivers, forests, hills and cities, I took the great pleasure in looking at the beautiful scenes and took few photos as well.

It was more than 5 hours’ journey and I was awake the whole time not to miss any noticeable view. After few minutes, we heard the announcement of safety precaution by another flight attendants before landing and in 30 minutes we were at the Vienna International airport.

This was a pleasant and memorable journey mostly because this was the second time I had travelled by plane. This journey was with my family members and to enjoy a vacation ahead. I loved being close to my family on this journey and the awesome and mesmerising sceneries from the plane made it unforgettable.


Part 3: Detail Discussion:

Reasons for daily travel

Q. Why do people need to travel every day?
A. Travelling is not a part of leisure activities rather it has turned into a part and parcel of our everyday life. People need to travel every day from place to place for different reasons. People who work at offices need to go office and thus they are travelling from their home to their office using different transportation mode. Students need to attend classes and they are to go to respective educational institutions. Moreover, housewives need to have their daily necessaries and if they do not have anyone to help, they start travelling from home to marketplaces. Again, some of the people like to travel from place to place only to achieve pleasures. So, there are numerous reasons for travelling and the trip ranges vary considering different perspectives.

Q. What problems can people have when they are on their daily journey to work or school for example? Why is this?
A. The most common problem for people living the cities is traffic congestion and unavailability of transportation modes in the peak hours. It happens as the number of vehicles is on the rise but the roads they are plying on are not wide enough to accommodate all the vehicles at a time. So, traffic congestion is a common scenario for the busy cities, and as a result, the vehicles got stuck in important crossings for long hours while the remaining passengers waiting at different stoppages keep waiting. Then it appears that the vehicles are unavailable.

Q. Some people say that daily journeys like these will not be so common in the future. Do you agree or disagree? Why?
A. There are some people who are on the view that daily journey will be changed and they are right. In future, everything will be digitised and automated. The digitisation process does not require physical presence and when the workplaces are made so, it will not require the employees to be present at the physical office in time by travelling. They will be able to communicate using virtual communication system and continue their works. But some of the people have to travel always for their jobs who are involved in technical sections like providing support, harnessing emergencies etc. but this is a different scenario. The journey patterns will change and may also not be an essential thing as it considered today. Rather people will undertake journeys to travel for passing their leisure hours in distant places.

Benefits of international travel

Q. What do you think people can learn from travelling to other countries? Why?
A. Travelling is the way to broaden knowledge. When people travel, they gain different sorts of knowledge over issues which were unknown to them before the travelling. If it is about international travel, the knowledge is vast and wide. Most of the people get ideas over the overseas issues on television or on newspapers. But when they have the chance to visit the places they have seen on television or read in newspapers, the knowledge is spread among them. The learning has positive impacts on them. When they are accustomed to a new foreign or international culture, they try to practice that in their daily life when they come back to their native lands. So, I think people have great chances to learn from their international trips.

Q. Can travel make a positive difference to the economy of a country? How?
A. Travelling also owns the power of making some positive difference on the national economy of a country. For instance, if the country has some tourist spots, they could invite the international tourists or group of people to visit the spots. When the tourists will stay at the spots, they certainly will spend money to get their daily necessaries or for the other issues. As a result, the economy of the region or the country will be improved. Moreover, sometimes the travellers turn into investors if the tourist spot could provide them with the necessary supports to establish a business or found an organisation which creates the options for employment in any specific area.

Q. Do you think a society can benefit if its members have experience of travelling to other countries? In what ways?
A. When people travel, they gain knowledge over different issues and the knowledge gaining process is subconscious. So, when people return from their travel, they try to apply the knowledge in their daily life which brings some positive changes in them and their surroundings. So, the numbers of changes in a society increase when more people go to travel in international regions. The travellers start practising their new learning in their individual events and also share the knowledge with their communities, and as a result, the knowledge is spread in the society and brings a social benefit for all.

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