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Describe a skill you would like to learn

IELTS Cue Card Question 25 With Model Answer: 

Describe a skill you would like to learn.

You should say: 
  • what it is
  • why you think it is important
  • how you are going to learn it
and explain what role it will play in your future life.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you're going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:
In the current age, communication is one of the most important ways to be successful and physical communication is more effective than virtual. But to be present physically somewhere, you need vehicles and driving is the most important issue to make the vehicle run.

I would like to learn basic driving of light vehicles so that I could go to my desired places. Driving is an outstanding quality that everyone should achieve. A driver has always to be alert to avoid collisions with the other cars. Moreover, the task is highly challenging and requires cent per cent attention of the driver.

Driving is a very important task. If you are a car owner and do not know how to run the car and have to depend on someone else, you are an unlucky individual. Driving is a skill and has numerous benefits. The most important issue is that you do not have to depend on others or your assigned driver who is hired to take you places. If you learn driving, you could be able to drive your vehicle on your own. At times it may happen that you need to go somewhere far away for an emergency and there is none to drive your car, you are truly in danger.

Moreover, the importance of driving is widespread and makes people aware of the current happenings. If the driver is unaware what is happening on his/ her surrounding, accidents may occur. So, the drivers are to remain alert in every moment when they are on board. Similarly, if you are driving the car, all of your senses will be alert and sharp which is also beneficial for yourself.

In my locality, there are several driving schools and training institutes are available and they provide training on driving different sorts of vehicles. I have decided to get admitted at one of those training institutes to learn the skill. But before the admission, I should collect necessary information about the training organisation and most importantly if they would help me to get a legal driving license after completing the training. One of my friends told me that there are some dishonest training institutes who allure people with the promise of getting them legal driving license but later avoids the promise.

I would like to learn the skill because when I will have my own car in future, I will drive it by myself. Moreover, I could be able to take care of the car properly as when the cars are assigned with hired drivers, they do not take a proper care of the vehicles. They drive rough and gradually cause damage to the cars. As a result, the durability of the cars gets reduced to a great extent. When I will drive my own car, I will be careful and also will try to protect my car from any external or internal damages. Besides, if I turn into a skilled and licensed driver, I will be able to go anywhere I want without depending on someone and there will be no time limitations too.

Alternative Answer 2: 
I am happy to have this topic to talk about. I do not have many skills and I would like to learn web development and designing. This is something I feel very passionate about and since my major in university was Journalism, I know very little about web designing and development.

The world-wide-web and the internet are everywhere. More than 30 million websites are present on the World Wide Web and they are the backbones of information communication in the present world. A website can be as simple as a personal blog to a complex search engine, web application or a social networking platform. Knowing about web technology and being about to actually implement one is very important in personal and professional life nowadays. I can run a personal blog, publish great contents online that would be viewed by millions of people, build up a forum and can even make a handy web application for others. This knowledge would also help me to do better in my career as a journalist.

Well, I have a plan for learning this skill. In a few months, I will get enrolled in a course offered by a reputed IT training institute in my city and then purchase some related books to practise at home. Besides the YouTube and similar video sharing websites would be very helpful to watch and learn the web designing and development. In fact, there are plenty of resources available to start learning it and I would take advantages of them.

After I learn creating websites, I will launch my personal blog where I would start writing. That would be a personal blog about my activities. I will also launch a website related to online newspaper and would manage it. I have a plan to launch a proofreading service offering websites that would be helpful to connect people who need proofreading and who are skilled to do it for some money. Honestly, those are yet in the planning phase and the initiation and implementation of these plans would be possible only if I can learn the skill successfully. Besides, knowing about the web technology would also help me to do better in my profession. As all of the newspapers and magazines are going online, it has become a must for journalists to be able to actually know the technology and be able to take advantages of it.

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