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Describe a restaurant that you enjoyed going to

IELTS Cue Card Question 27 With Model Answer: 

Describe a restaurant that you enjoyed going to.

You should say: 
  • where the restaurant was
  • why you chose this restaurant
  • what type of food you ate in this restaurant
and explain why you enjoyed eating in this restaurant.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you're going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:
Food is the key element for every human being for the survival on the earth but not every food is that much tasty or applicable for all ages of people. Besides, preparation of the foods is also another issue for consideration. In my city, Mumbai, I have a favourite restaurant that offers different types of prepared food.

As I am a food-lover, I like to taste foods from different parts of the city and every weekend I start peeping at different restaurants. I taste all types of foods and finally I turn into a regular client for the best one. The restaurant named Zodiac Grill is located at the lobby level of the Taj Mahal Palace Hotel in Mumbai. It is located almost in the centre area of the city and thus easily accessible for all.

I liked the restaurant most for different reasons. The first and important cause is its decoration. The entire restaurant is decorated with zodiac signs (the sign also belongs to me) and the sitting arrangement was superb. Moreover, I was in love when I had the delicious smoked salmon before me. In other restaurants, I did not have the fish in a smoked form and the taste was excellent. Besides, the service was also fantastic. I had experienced delays and other sorts of problems in other places where I went to have my meals, but here I had no such troubles. Everything was in order and I was served with the necessary services even before asking for help. The best thing about the restaurant is its multi-national cuisine. The foods are truly superb!

When I first went to the restaurant, I ordered a tasting menu. It was a smoked salmon and caviar. The preparation of the foods took short moments than the regular hours and the serving method was praiseworthy too. I also ordered for tiger prawn and also took some vegetables too. When I ordered a chicken menu, I found that nothing could be compared to the item and it was prepared as the way that the meats were melting immediately I took them into my mouth.

Foods are the keys to our life. For a healthy life, we need to have foods and it should be tasty too. I have taken foods almost all of the restaurants in Mumbai but none of those could be compared to the foods I have had at the Zodiac Grill. When I entered the restaurant, I was welcomed and treated like a King of the state. When I ordered the items, they arrived within 15 minutes of the order placement which amazed me most. The surrounding decoration of the restaurant is adorable and the foods belong to the finest quality and the prices are reasonable. Thereby, I enjoyed eating at the restaurant.

Cue Card Answer 2: 
I am a food-lover and most of the time spend my evening leisure hours in different restaurants in the city with my buddies. As a result, I have visited almost all the restaurants but I find the Diners’ Café as the best one.

The restaurant was located in the centre of the city and half an hour journey from my residence. Generally, people visited the restaurant as this was located at a prime location of the city and there was a bus stand adjacent to it as well. As a result, it always remained crowded. The key attractive matter for the restaurant was that it offered some of the most delicious foods of the city like tasty kebabs, parathas, biriyani, tikka, zarda, jelabi, mutton paya, chicken tandoori, dosa, daal chana, soft beverages, tea and coffee, and much more.

Foodie people have a sharp sense of smell and they could figure out event the ingredients used in the preparation of the meals. I am blessed with that extraordinary smelling power and most of the times I have found that the foods I took in other restaurants were prepared by wasted materials. Sometimes I had found that the foods were rotten as well. So, I made a list of restaurants to be avoided and added those on the list. But when I came here to participate in a party, I found the foods are up to the mark and the service was outstanding. Besides, there were a wide variety of foods here and at a reasonable price. Sitting arrangement inside the restaurant is also smart.

The restaurant provides almost all the common foods of the region and some of them are the most popular ones. The restaurant is opened from morning till late night and caters the needs of the customers all the time of the day. I went in the evening and had some foods like chicken tikka kebab with ruti and also enjoyed their breakfast. They sell tandoor rutis with nehari, beef, mutton paya and daal during breakfast while they also have some other types of dishes for breakfast like hotchpotch, chicken soups etc. I have not taken any lunch at the restaurant as I prefer to take lunch at home but they have some mouthwatering dishes for lunch. The fish fries are charming and they provide fresh fishes and other meats to the customers. I think the crowd increases in the evening and the rooftop of the restaurant gets filled with food aromas.

The saying goes that foods are the fuels for our body. If there is no or less fuel, the body will shut down, shortly. So, to provide the fuel, we need the best foods so that the body gets the right nutrients. At the same time, the foods should also be prepared in cleaner and healthy environment. the majority of the restaurants in the country have disgusting kitchen scenarios. But the kitchen of this particular restaurant is cleaner and the chefs are well equipped with tools and cooking materials. They know how to cook and thus the tastes turn absolutely exceptional. So, I enjoyed eating here and often come back to test the juicy kebabs!

Part 3 - Detail Discussion / Two-way discussion:


Q. Why do you think people go to restaurants when they want to celebrate something?
A. A celebration of something requires lots of preparations and the people who are to celebrate remains busy all the time of the celebration only for the preparation purposes. So, it is a very common issue that they cannot have the moments to enjoy the events. The most important thing of any celebration is its foods and those need to be prepared in huge amount which is almost impossible to make at home. Thereby, the idea to hold the events at restaurants has emerged. Restaurants are the places where foods are prepared for a large number of people and accommodate a notable number of guests at the same time which is, in fact, impossible at home. So, people are tending to go to restaurants during their celebration.

Q. Which are more popular in your country: fast food restaurants or traditional restaurants?
A. Currently, the countrymen are preferring foods out of home mostly because of their business and most of the time they are to remain out of the home. But they are health conscious and do not prefer taking foods at the fast food restaurants. Thereby, they take foods from the traditional restaurants. Moreover, the adult people are habituated with the traditional foods and they go to the traditional restaurants but a part of the young generations take foods from the fast food restaurants.

Q. Why do you think that is?
A. It happens mostly due to the business of the people and sometimes people want to change their tastes. Besides, people are at times influenced to take foods at any specific restaurants by the advertisements or recommendations of other people.

Q. Some people say that food in an expensive restaurant is always better than food in a cheap restaurant – would you agree? 
A. It is an important fact that foods at restaurants are sometimes expensive but there are some cheap restaurants are available too. But there is a basic difference between the foods. The foods of the expensive restaurants are of the finest quality and the culinary is neat and clean. Moreover, the serving is also praiseworthy at those restaurants. But none of the facilities is available in the cheap restaurants and the foods are prepared in an unhealthy environment. So, it is imperative to take foods at a standard restaurant considering the food quality and environment even if you are charged more.
Producing Food: 

Q. Do you think there will be a greater choice of food available in shops in the future, or will there be less choice?
A. Foods are available everywhere but all of the elements are not edible for all ages of people. However, to meet the needs of the growing population and diversified demand, nowadays different foods are invented and processed. The newly invented foods are yummy too. So, in near future, the range of foods will be increased and the shops will start selling different types of foods for the customers.

Q. What effects has modern technology had on the way food is produced?
A. Earlier, foods were produced at home using hands. But in the current days, there are different devices available to produce foods without the touch of hands. Moreover, the restaurants also use the tools to improve the food quality. People use to bake cakes using different cooking pots and placed them in cooking ovens, but now the electric oven has solved the complexities. Besides, much other technological advancement has been made in cooking and as a result, the foods are produced in a short time.

Q. How important is it for a country to be able to grow all the food it needs, without importing any from other countries?
A. Usually, a country cannot grow all the necessary food elements to meet the needs of its citizens for different reasons and the geographical feature is the prominent one. As a result, the state needs to import from the world market or from any specific country. It requires lots of time and investment and sometimes the imported foods do not belong to the desired quality and may also get damaged during transportation. So, if the country could grow all the foodstuff, it would be able to save money and labour, and the foods and grains will remain fresh and edible.

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