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Describe a meeting you remember going to

IELTS Cue Card Question 28 With Model Answer: 

Describe a meeting you remember going to at work, college or school.

You should say: 
  • when and where the meeting was held
  • who was at the meeting
  • what the people at the meeting talked about
and explain why you remember going to this meeting.

[You will have to talk about the topic for one to two minutes. You have one minute to think about what you're going to say. You can make some notes to help you if you wish.]

Model Answer 1:
People meet with the other people over different issues and mostly it is done for socialising or serving some other important purposes. I also meet with people for various reasons and before holding the meeting, I usually set a schedule with them so that we do not have any scheduling troubles during the meet.

But there is nothing amazing than a sudden meeting with the person you are looking for in our mind. I also had such a meeting with a friend of mine while I was my way to work and finally, the meeting was highly fruitful for me and my office. He has just returned the city from his month-long travel in several countries assigned by his office. I was entering my office and saw he was leaving the building. Although it was the beginning of a hefty day for me and I was too late for the office, I asked him if he could manage few times to spend with me at the coffee shop at the rooftop. He agreed and also took permission from his companions to sit for an informal meeting.

Andrew was accompanied by two of his office colleagues who also went for the travel with him. My friend introduced me to his colleagues and they welcomed me cordially after hearing about me. I also showed the right courtesy to them in return. All of us went to the coffee shop located on the rooftop of our office building and gradually I came to know that they were seniors of our schools whom we did not meet in our school days. After a few moments, the relationship with them turned intimate and we started discussing different contemporary issues among us.

But the most important issue of the meeting was revealed later during the conversation. They were at my office with a proposal to invest in the sectors we are currently working. In a word, they wanted to start a new business with us and came to discuss the entire issue with the CEO of my firm.

Unfortunately, the CEO had to attend an emergency and left the office right before the moment my friend arrives with his colleagues and meets me at the entrance. So, I made a phone call to the CEO and took permission to discuss the business proposal with them as I was assigned to amend the proposal they submitted to the office previously. Thus, the initial formalities were done.

The meeting was held about two years back and still is vivid on my mind for some certain reasons. We have started a joint venture with my friend’s office. We are producing different raw materials for producing attires like buttons, clothes, packaging papers etc. They supply us with the finest quality raw materials and our office produces the product in our own industry. The profits are plenty and it is heard that the two companies will merge themselves into a single unit to form a large conglomerate. I was one of the persons who established the linkage between the two corporations.

Sample Answer 2: 
I am a student at Daulat Ram College (DRC) in Delhi and love playing football. Accordingly, I do not miss any chances to participate in any of the matches and thus I had to meet with my football mates to discuss on an upcoming football tournament.

The meeting was held at the café of the DRC. Each of the team members was present at the meeting as this is was the final day to set everything. In fact, we wanted to win the prize for us like the former year. But we were in a trouble. The key striker of the team got injured in a practice match and that made us worried. Without him, it is almost impossible for us to defeat the rival teams.

The meeting was led by the coach and all the other members were present there except the striker – Ranjeet Kumar. Initially, the coach described us the real situations and asked us to suggest the immediate steps to win the match. But none of us could provide any suitable solution for the problem. The possible solution that appeared at the meeting was to hire any external professional player for the team. I suggested to allowing the position to someone else from the team. But none of the solutions was feasible. My college team is unable to hire a professional football player for the match while none of us was capable enough to strike like Ranjeet. So, there were no lights.

Finally, a solution came from the discussion that the team will play without the striker. Though the supporting striker is unable to take the lead role, we all inspired him to play as like him and we, the other members, will provide the best support from us. He, Rampaal Yadaav, partially agreed with us but he lacked confidence for that role. Now it was our turn to inspire him and everyone including the coach started inspiring him. At last, he agreed to play the role with one condition that if he fails, no one could blame him for the failure. He also opined that he would try his best in the match but cannot guarantee the success.

I can remember going to the meeting as this was an important issue for us. My college turned winner in this inter-college for past three years and the college authority wants us to win this time as well. Thereby, a well-preparation was taken for the upcoming match but the sudden injury of the key striker made us change the plan. In fact, the striker has been playing for last two years and supported greatly winning the matches. So, the match without him was unimaginable. At last, we made a draw in the match and had shared the victory with the opponent. But if we did not have that meeting on the day, we could have lost the match.

Part 3 - Detail discussion / Two-way discussion:

Going to Meetings:

Q. What are the different types of meeting that people often go to?
A. Meetings have different categories and applicable by different types of people. Mostly the word – ‘meeting’ refers to any formal situations where some people talk together and make decisions on any specific issue. They might be business meetings, institutional meetings, governmental meeting with officials, global meetings etc. But not all the meetings are considered formal; there are informal meetings to decide on any petty matters. But the aim is the same – to decide something important. When people meet together, they are able to discuss many issues, meeting agendas help to raise the issues and analyse the obstacles to march ahead. Then decisions are adopted after the agreement of the members participating in the meeting.

Q. Some people say that no one likes to go to meetings – what do you think?
A. There are views that a meeting is boring and only the selected issues are discussed. So, some of the people may dislike attending meetings. But it could not be denied that the typical meetings are truly boring if held over any urgent or important issues. But sometimes the organisers of the meetings try to make the situations as normal as possible. They speak in a manner that people do not feel bored or allow them to break the monotony by entertaining themselves. Usually, people get bored over the long speeches of the members or dislike to sit idly. Participatory, the process is one of the best ways to make the meeting lively. Thus, it appears to me that all the meetings are not boring, they could be enjoyed too.

Q. Why can it sometimes be important to go meetings?
A. Meeting sometimes is important and requires the presence of all the members of the organisation or the invited guests. So, attending a meeting is important from different sides. The first thing is your presence. If you are present at the meeting, you will be asked to opine and the opinion will be granted as your contribution at the meeting. If you are holding an important position in an organisation, you need to be present at the meeting as it is necessary for you to be there to decide issues under your domination. If you are absent, the issues may not be discussed or you may not prefer the decisions made in your absence. Thereby, sometimes it is very important to be present at the meetings if invited.

International Meetings:

Q. Why do you think leaders often have meetings together?
A. Global leaders often meet together not only for socialising rather they have important issues to discuss with each other. They have numerous issues related to their own countries and those need to be supported from the other countries for implementation. Moreover, they meet frequently to share the latest updates of their socio and economic conditions of their countries to the other leaders. Regular meetings also increase the bonding between the nations. When the other country leaders arrive into a neighbouring country, the locals entertain them with their hearts’ content. As a result, the international bond turns stronger. Taking decisions over any national issues become easier for the leaders as they could follow the examples of the other countries they have recently visited.
Q. What possible difficulties might be involved in organising meetings between world leaders?
A. Organising an international meeting is not as easy as it is heard. Most of the global leaders remain highly occupied with their national issues and thus they hardly could manage leisure hours. So, inviting the world leaders into a global meeting requires much time. The most common complexity is having the schedule and travel calendar of the global leaders. All the leaders do not follow the same routine to execute their respective duties and it happens for geographical distances. All of them could not manage time together to meet unless the situation is an emergency. When the schedule matches, the right accommodation and ensuring security is another concern for the organisers. Therefore, the preparations are to be taken exactly and prior plans should be made to make the meeting happen.      
Q. Do you think that meetings between international leaders will become more frequent in the future? Or will there be less need for world leaders to meet?
A. The physical presence always bears a great significance. As a result, the international leaders try to be physically present at the meetings. But we are marching towards a virtual world and life where physical presence will be not that much important as it is considered now. The global leaders could meet each other virtually and could have the participation at an international conference by sitting at their own desk. As a result, the need for frequent meetings will be reduced. But the physical meeting may be held infrequently to exchange highly confidential information or mitigate any such issues which are shocking and threatening for all the nations.

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